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The first step in planting is preparing the soil.In general, sun loving wildflowers do not need a rich soil which would encourage very lush growth. Shade lovers, however generally do appreciate rich and loose organic soil. Planting too deeply can kill or retard growth easily. Mulch and water thoroughly, plants can remain in their pots for several weeks before planting. Plants shipped dormant must remain dormant (cold, not frozen) and with moist (not wet) roots until you can plant them. If the dormant plants have leaves, they need to be stored in cold, bright conditions. If they are deciduous, no leaves, then they may be stored in the dark. Plants shipped at other times of the year if in active growth should be placed in bright light but not full sun and kept moist, not wet, until planting. Fresh air is important. After planting, it will be necessary to keep your plants well watered, especially until established.
Foliage Tree Sapling Shrub
Plant leaves, especially tree leaves, considered as a group. A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown. A young tree. A woody plant of relatively low height, having several stems arising from the base and lacking a single trunk; a bush.
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