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Communication skills are very important in order to succeed in life. I feel I have excellent written and verbal communication skills. These skills have helped me work with extremely diverse populations from poverty to upper middle class and with individuals with many different ethnic backgrounds. I have been told I am a chameleon and can fit into any situation or environment. I have a very open and genuine personality, which is reflected in all aspects of my life.


I am a natural born leader. Over the last few years I have picked up team-building skills and have applied them in my personal and professional life. This skill is applied daily in my current career. I was promoted to manager of the Early Intervention Program for the agency I work for. My director told me I am a great asset to the agency, and I am responsible, organized, and have great team building skills.


Every day I strive to promote social justice and equality. I work not only to advocate for others, but to teach them how to advocate for themselves. I currently work with families in impoverished neighborhoods who have difficulty obtaining services. I help them access resources and provide them with research materials. I believe in the saying “give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and feed him for the rest of his life”.


I am sure many people wouldn’t list diversity as a skill. However, I think it is very important. I am a culturally educated individual, and I understand the importance of being culturally competent and understanding. I have the ability to work with anyone in any setting.


Ethics are important to me. The Arizona State University Social Work Program has taught me the Social Work Code of Ethics. I apply this code of ethics in my personal and professional life. I feel in order to succeed one must be true to themselves and others.


I am an accommodating individual. I adapt well to change in high stress situation and come up with viable solutions to problems.