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Welcome to, the offical website of Keri Lynn Simurdak, also known as double "g", or kitty, whichever you prefer. As it stands at the moment there is really no purpose for this website other than her friends and family can view the site and check up on what she has been upto. Site managed by her man Slanky, it is just something fun for us to do to pass the boring time away.

On this page you will get the chance to get updates on what Keri is upto, view and sign her Guestbook, talk on her message board, see pictures, get links, and whatever else we may be able to create.

You will not be allowed to email Keri, if you are important enough you should already have her email address to email her. But you can email her man with any comments at Slanky.

We hope that you enjoy the site and it grabs your interests enough to be occupied.

Enjoy your time at, make sure you sign the guestbook and message board, keep everything positive, if you have anything rude to say please keep it to yourself. Enjoy!

©2003 Design Group