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Perpetual Plantae


All Plantae are multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic, and terrestrial organisms with tissues and organisms. Their cells have cell walls that contain cellulose, and chlorophlls a and b are present and are localized in plastids. All of them have an alteration in generation between diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte. There are an array of phylum in this kingdom. Three of them are Coniferophyta, Ginkgophyta, and Anthophyta.

Coniferophyta have gymnosperms that produce cones. Their vascular system lacks vessels, and their leaves are usually needles or scales, typically evergreen. Sporophyte is dominant in this Phylum. Ovules are exposed at the time of pollination, and the pollen is distributed by the wind. There are about 550 species residing within this Phylum.

In Ginkgophyta, all species within are deciduous, gymnosperm trees. They have a vascular system, and typically has fan-like leaves. In contrast to Coniferophyta, sporophyte is dominant here. They produce conelike male reproductive structures and uncovered seeds on different individuals. There is only one species within this phylum: Ginko Biloba.

Anthophyta has angliosperms and a present vascular system like Ginkgophyta. Also similar to Ginkgophyta, sporophyte is dominant. However, the ovules are fully enclosed by ovary, and the gametophyte is greatly reduced after fertilization. Then the ovary and seed mature to become fruit. Flowers are the reproductive systems of these species. there are about 240,000 species contained.

Tea Rose (Rosa odorata) This rose is one of about 600 differentiations of the rose. It is A china rose and is fairly common. They soak up nutrients from the sun, the soil, and the precipitation. This is one of the more versatile roses when refering to habitat. This, as most roses, requires a minimum of 6 hours of daylight, and does not live well in standing water. It grows in abundance all over china, but is rarely found growing wild anywhere else. It was named a Tea Rose because of it's scent, somewhat of a tea smell. I wouldn't concur with that, but I didn't name it. It has throns for keeping away unwanted pests, and even the leaves are serated for protection.

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