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S-6.1 ... @ Kingsland + Schuyler + Dey + etc

. . . page One of two

. . . new pages - 31 Jan 2oo3
. . . new Insert = Source - at Bottom of Next page - 2 Feb
... 6 Apr 2011 ... New Notes & Links, for Hannah Crane ... @---v

THIS - is a working page ... more Checks To-Do
... more Links To-Add

@ Skip TO the Kingsland List ... @---v

@ Dey ... + Board, + Kingsland, + Schuyler ... @---v

o - - - o

. . . Links - Lists - Search-Lists ... @---> Need URL, of next page

@ THESE people-Numbers, are a "modifyed" some-body Decimal System.. Each Decimal (.dot, point, period.) is the Next Generation..

... and - the people #'s might be Off a-little . . . until I can get-To a printer, and see all of this ON Paper

o - - - o - - - o

Kingsland - Schuyler - Dey - Board - Dey - Schuyler - Dey - Johnson - Schuyler - Schuyler... . . . ???

. . . MY ancestors - are in Bold

o - - - o - - - o

. . . Here Comes . . . Realy Bizzare Connex's
. . . I think - I got most of it, correct
@---> TO Be worked-Out, ON Paper
. . . some-time...!

I have eXactly ZERO, Direct Information ... on any of this-all

. . . I can ONLY go by what I see:

@ Kingsland Info = from the KGB
... (.Kingsland Genealogy Book - 2nd Edition, 1997 ... Louis Kingsland Jr.)

@ MY web-pages = from a variety of Sources.. The Source web-pages are shown, or Linked..

@ The Source pages, sources = ??? ... shown on their pages, or not.. There IS some BAD Info on Kingsland's . . . at-Least Two John's are NOT John's.. [..I theenk I have Notes, at the Bad Info's.. Source.? ... some "Schuyler sources"..]

o - - - o - - - o

@ THIS Kingsland Branch
. . . starts with the "known" Beginnings:

NOTICE ... The Following is Not a straight-down "main-Line" . . . IT is a mix of Parents & Children - & In-Laws - & Grand-Children - & Grand-Parents

. . . Follow the Numbers ... and it all should make some Sense

K-5 @ Robert Kingsland ... X K-sides
... + @ ____ ______
b & d - London England...?
no other details ... nod
@@ two.? ch
@ Isaac Sr
@ Gustavus Sr ... My Line ... @--->

K-25 @ Isaac Kingsland Sr, 1648--1698 ... @--->
.... + @ Elizabeth ?.Harrison.?
@@ __ ch ... more here:
. . . 6 Apr 2011 ... I just stopped by, to RE-Fresh my memory on The Cranes, below ... Hannah + Isaac K Jr
. . . way-uP here, in the 1900s, Ida May Kingsland + Daniel Crane (.Ida was my great-aunt, sis of my gf HFK-1.)
. . . I am just-now in first touch with Amy Fetchko, gran-dau of Ida + Daniel.. I am not going deeper, just leaving a Knote that Amy might be her-own cousin.. TO Get more on these connex, Go To gOOgle, and search for: "Hannah Crane"+Kingsland+genealogy . . . (.with quotes around Hannah Crane.).. IF I here more, I will add that here.. . . . HKgeney

@ Hester Kingsland, K-32
... (.dau of Isaac Kingsland SR
. . . + Elizabeth ______ ,)
+ @ Philip Schuyler, S-116.2 ... @--->
... (.son of Arent Schuyler, S-116.)
@@ twelve ch
@ Johannah Schuyler + Isaac Kingsland, K-49 ... @--->
. . . (.son of - Col Wm Kingsland, K-29.)
@ Hester Schuyler Jr, K-32.8 ... S-116.2.8
. . . + Theunis Dey, DeyK-1.0
X . . . my page

K-35 @ ISAAC Kingsland JR ... @--->
. . . [..NOT - "John" Kingsland..]
... (.son of - Isaac Kingsland Sr, K-25.)
... + Hannah Crane ... (.dau of Jasper.) ... Links TO Come... from another page... WHERE.?
@@ nine ch
@ Hannah Kingsland, K-68

K-68.0 @ Hannah Kingsland
... + K-68a @ Major David Board ... @--->
@@ five ch
@ Eleanor Board, K-68.1

... NEW Link, Friday, 13 May 2011 ... Very Long Book, DAR.?

X K-sides

. . . cousin @ Janneke (.Jane.) Schuyler, S-116.2.1
. . . . . . + @ James Board ... @--->
. . . . . . (.brothers.?.) ... Links to come
. . . . . . @@ __ ch

K-68.1 @ Eleanor Ann Board ... @---> ???
... (.dau of Major David Board
. . . + Hannah Kingsland.)
... [.Hannah K = dau of Isaac Kingsland Sr, K-25
. . . + Hannah Crane.]
+ @ Peter Dey ... DeyK-1.1 ... @--->
... (.son of - Theunis Dey, DeyK-1.0
. . . + Hester Schuyler Jr, S-116.2.8.)
@@ six ch
DeyK-1.1.1 @ Jane Dey + Benjamin Johnson ... @---v

@ Philip Schuyler, S-116.2 ... @--->
... + Hester Kingsland, K-32
... (.dau of Isaac Kingsland SR
. . . + Elizabeth ______ ,)
@@ twelve ch
@ Hester Schuyler Jr, K-32.8 ... S-116.2.8
. . . + Theunis Dey, DeyK-1.0
X . . . my page

DeyK-1.0 @ Theunis Dey ... @--->
+ @ Hester Schuyler Jr, S-116.2.8 ... K-32.8
... (.dau of Hester Kingsland, K-32
. . . + Phil Schuyler, S-116.2.)
@@ __ ch
DeyK-1.1 @ Peter Dey
. . . K-32.8a . . . S-

DeyK-1.1 @ Peter DEY . . . K-32.8.1
... (.son of Theo Dey ... @--->
. . . + Hester Schuyler Jr, K-32.8.)
+ @ Eleanor Ann Board, K-68.1
... (.dau of Major David Board
. . . + Hannah Kingsland, K-68.)
... [.Hannah K = dau of Isaac Kingsland Sr, K-25
. . . + Hannah Crane.]
@@ __ ch
DeyK-1.1.1 @ Jane Dey + Benjamin Johnson
. . . @---v - next

o - - - o - - - o


@ Jane Dey
. . . K- . . . S-
... (.dau of - Peter Dey + Eleanor Ann Board.) ... @---^
. . . g-p & beyond, next @---v
res - Ithica NY
+ 20 Nov 1817 - Fayette, Senecs Co NY
@ Benjamin Johnson
... (.son of - ____ Johnson + ____ ______ .)
some dates & details, in Links - next
@@ seven.? ch ... [..message, broken-uP..]
@ Eleanor + Rev Anthony Schuy ... @--->
@ Jane + ____ Bostwick
@ Hattie + Charles Philo Dibble
@ Mary + Wm E Swan
@ Jesse + ____
@ Peter D - dy
@ Sarah - dy
--- ... from Nancy Dibble, Nov 1998

... @ Jane Dey . . . DeyK-1.1.1 . . . S-
... (.dau of - Peter Dey + Eleanor Ann Board.)
. . . [.Peter = son of - Theunis Dey ... @--->
. . . . + Hester Schuyler Jr, S-116.2.8.]
. . . [.Hester S Jr = dau of - Philip Schuyler, S-116.2
. . . + Hester Kingsland, K-32.]
. . . [.Eleanor = dau of - David Board
. . . . + Hannah Kingsland, K-68.]
. . . [.Hannah K = dau of - Isaac Kingsland Jr, K-35
. . . . + Hannah Crane.]
. . . [..Hannah C = dau of - Jasper Crane,
. . . . many web-pages = use Google.]

Cousins - of Jane Dey Schuyler & desc's
... @---> Jane Dey =
a descendant OF Hester Kingsland, K-32,
and a desc OF Hannah Kingsland, K-68
. . . MY Cousins
(..dau of Isaac Sr, and dau of Isaac Jr..)

Cousins of Cousins
- of Jane Dey Schuyler & desc's
... @---> Rev Anthony Schuyler =
a descendant OF Jane Kingsland, K-42,
and a desc OF Hester Kingsland, K-32
. . . MY Cousins
(..from the Branches of Gus K Sr & Isaac K Sr..)

o - - - o - - - o

. . . continued - on the Next Page

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