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Recovery & Repair Pages . . . Feb-Apr 2oo9
. . . Introduction @--->

... Herb Kingsland ... . . . To Get my Correct e-address, add the d to my Last Name

@---> May 2oo9 ... NEW Schuyler Contents List

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S-1.9.2 ... @ Casparus Schuyler, #1 ... Notes, contd

. . . continued from the Previous Page

::: 9.7
Other male members of the family now living have vindicated their blood and made their names respected in literature and public life.
::: 9.8
@ Montgomery Schuyler - S--
son of @ Rev Anthony Schuyler
. . . :::@ Rev.? - S--
. . . :::@ (.son of John S, S--116.5.1 + ______ .)
... is a well known journalist and litterateur, having been connected in an editorial capacity with
... the New York World, the New York Times, Harper's Weekly and other journals.
... Besides his contributions to newspapers and monthly periodicals, he is the author of several books and has a wide reputation as a critical writer on architectural subjects.
@ two sons . . . ... ???
... @ ____
member of the faculty of Yale University
... @ ____
diplomatic service attached to the embassy at St Petersburg as first secretary
::: 9.9
@ Professor William Schuyler
... (.son of
. . . @ Rev Dr Montgomery Schuyler.) @---^
well known in educational circles
... author of several works of value in that line -- besides being a successful writer of fiction.
::: 9.10
Through marriage the Schuylers are related to most of the prominent @ Knickerbocker families
. . . including
@ Van Rensselaers
@ Van Cortlandts
@ Beekmans
@ Livingstons
@ Schermerhorns
@ Roosevelts
. . . :::@ [..All.? of the Following TexT ... refers TO This-Next "Mr Schuyler"...?..] ... HK
::: 9.11
@ Rev Hamilton Schuyler
... rector of Trinity Episcopal Church of the city of Trenton, New Jersey
... b Oswego, New York - April 3, 1862
... d >1906
... a son of the late
@ Anthony Schuyler D D ... @---^
rector of Grace Church, Orange NJ, thiry-five years
::: 9.12
Mr Schuyler is seventh [..?..] in descent from:
@ Philip Peterse Schuyler ... @--->
... the founder of the family, who came to this country from Holland and settled in Albany
+ 1650, @ Margareta Van Slichtenhorst,
... (.only dau of - @ Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst
. . . resident-director of the Colony of Renssellaerwyck
. . .  + ____ ______ .)
. ... Jc
::: 9.13 . . . :::@ Which Mr Schuyler
Mr Schuyler received his early education at St John's School, Manlius, New York.. After a business career of some years studied at Oxford University, England, and the General Theological Seminary of New York.
... held positions in
Calvary Church, New York
Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island
... and was for several years dean of
the Cathedral, Davenport, Iowa,
under Bishop Perry
... began his rectorship in Trenton, February, 1900 .
... The parish at that time was laboring under a heavy debt, all of which has been discharged. Many valuable improvements have been made to the church property under his successful pastorate.
::: 9.14
Mr Schuyler is devoted to the study of literature and has himself written extensively.
... Among his productions are
"A Fisher of Men,"
a biography of the late
@ Rev. Churchill Satterlee,
son of the Bishop of Washington,
... and "Studies in English Church History," besides sermons, pamphlets and poems.
As a poem writer he won several years ago by his poem "The Incapable" the two hundred dollar prize
... offered by the late Collis P Huntington for the best production antithetical to Edwin Markham's "The Man With The Hoe."
::: 9.15
Mr Schuyler is a member of the New Jersey Society of the Sons of the Revolution,
and the Holland Society of New York.
He has traveled extensively in Europe and the Orient. In January, 1906, he was appointed by the Mayor a Trustee of the Free Public Library of Trenton.
. . . . . . [..Ninteen O Six...? ... Which Mr Schuyler...?..] ...

:::@---> search Lists ... Not looked yet ... HK

:::@ Louis SanDford Schuyler

. . . SaNford...

:::@ Hamilton Schuyler

:::@ Caroline Schuyler + Mann

:::@ Rev Anthony Schuyler

:::@ "Rev Schuyler"

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