Recovery & Repair Pages . . . Feb-Apr 2oo9
. . . Introduction @--->

... Herb Kingsland ... . . . To Get my Correct e-address, add the d to my Last Name

@---> May 2oo9 ... NEW Schuyler Contents List

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S-1.11 ... @ Colonel Theunis Dey

... + @ Hester Schuyler 2nd . . . contd

. . . page Two of two

. . . new Insert - at Bottom - 2 Feb 2oo3

@ Dey ... notes & details . . . contd

... SOME of This = is Very ConfuZed
. . . I will Get-Back To IT, sometime
. . . HK ... I have attemped, some clean-ups

. . . "Full Text" = below ... @---v

The Van Ness Heritage and Allied Geneologies

@ Theunis Van Ness
b 18 Oct 1826
... (.son of - ____ Van Ness + Jane Blanchard Dey.)

... Family Bible
called the Jane Blanchard Bible, by his mother in 1732 when she was age 36
... date disagrees with the date given in Van Ness ...

... Preakness and the Preakness Reformed Church
by George Warne Lablaw, pastor of the church, New York,

o - - - o - - - o

@ Colonel Theunis Dey

... + @ Hester Schuyler ... S-116.2.8

owned 1,000 acres total
... land extended into Little Falls. discussion of the Dey Mansion.
. . . [.1902;974.923, L112p, BYU.]
@ see text, above ... same land...? ... HK

one of the most distinguished citizens . . .

early 1776 - Colonel of the Bergen County Militia,

New Jersey Assembly
. . . 1761...1783
... Bergen County

@ son Richard (.Derrick.),
Captain of the same regiment
... Major ... General

Hester (.Schuyler.) Dey,
and daughter-in-law, Mrs (.____.) Richard Dey
... committee of Bergen County ladies
. . . to raise funds for relief of American troops

20 Dec 1801 - Dey homestead
... from son, David Dey
To Henry Berry

Theunis Dey ... 1726-1787
member - Provincial Congress
... Committee of Safety
1776 - Colonel, Bergen county militia
1780 - mustering officer
house at Preakness
. . . headquarters of the Commander in Chief...
. . . DAR #19667

Anthony Dey ... Land
large land owners in the City, wanted to keep Abraham (.Godwin.) there ... Anthony Dey offered to sell him the south side of Dey Street, from Broadway to the low water mark on the river -- for 600 L -- paid by his
... Feeling the strip of land was too expensive, he moved his family to Totowa about 1755,
... becoming the first white settler there
. . . Godwins of New York and New Jersey
... by H L Peter Rounds

@ Miss Alice Gertrude Cartwright
b ____ - Ithaca NY
... direct descendant of Colonel Theunis Dey
. . . DAR member #17718
. . . History of the Treman, Tremaine, Truman Family in America vol 1

o - - - o - - - o



b 1725-26 -near Preakness NJ
<1776 - built Dey house, Preakness NJ
... 1780 - Headquarters, Gen Washington.
. . . <---@ see Dates & notes, on prev page

+ 1751, @ Hester Schuyler
... (.dau of Philip Schuyler + Hester Kingsland.)
. . . [.Hester K = dau of - Isaac Kingsland,
. . . member of the Council + Elizabeth ______ - of New Barbadoes Neck NJ.]

... [.Philip S = son of - Arent Schuyler + Janneke Teller.]

... [.Arent S = son of - Philip Pieterse Schuyler, born 1628.]

. . . Philip P S = the first of the name in this country,
... who married, Dec. 12, 1650,
Margaret, daughter of Herr Brandt Arent VanSchlectenhorst, of Nieuw Kerk in Gelderland

@ Theunis Dey, (.heir-at-law of Dirck Dey, deceased, of Bergen County.) ... gives deed Nov. 19, 1770,
to Peter Romer and others, trustees of the Low Dutch Reformed Church at Pompton.
... Witness, Ester Dey, Junior.
... Charter Trustee of Rutgers College
. . . [.Records - Trenton NJ.]

@ His will - dtd Nov. 30, 1786
... proved July 30, 1787
. . . [.office of the Sec of State - Trenton NJ.]
. . . details...? ... HK

Colonel, Bergen County,
New Jersey Militia, February 28, 1776
... to close of war

member of New Jersey Assembly, 1777-84

Member of Bergen County Committee of Correspondence during the Revolutionary War.

o - - - o


@ The Van Ness Heritage and Allied Geneologies.

The birthdate for Theunis,18 Oct 1826, son of Jane Blanchard Dey, i s written in the family Bible, called the Jane Blanchard Bible, by hi s mother in 1732 when she was age 36. The date disagrees with the da te given in Van Ness.

Preakness and the Preakness Reformed Church by George Warne Lablaw, p astor of the church, New York, 1902;974.923, L112p, BYU;states Colone l Theunis Dey owned 1,000 acres total, and his land extended into Lit tle Falls.Discussion of the Dey Mansion."Colonel Theunis Dey was on e of the most distinguished citizens Preakness has ever had.

He wa s colonel of the Bergen County Militia, in the early part of 1776, hi s son Richard (Derrick), being Captain of the same regiment. Afterwar ds Major, and still later General. Colonel Theunis Dey was in the Ne w Jersey assembly 1761-5, 1768-76, and in 1779; and in 1780-1, he rep resented Bergen county (this was all Bergen County then) in the counc il, returning to the assembly in 1783.

In 1780, his wife, Hester Schuyler Dey, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Richard Dey, were appointed on t he committee of Bergen County ladies to raise funds for the relief o f the American troops." Diposition of the homestead 20 Dec 1801 fro m Davod Dey, his son, to Henry Berry.

@ DAR #19667

"Theunis Dey (1726-1787) was a member of the Provincial Congress and on the Committee of Safety. He was appointed colonel of t he Bergen county militia 1776, and was mustering officer 1780. His house at Preakness was the headquarters of the Commander in Chief...."

@ History-Land;

Anthony Dey;"Godwins of New York and New Jersey" by H L Peter Rounds, p. not numbered; "The Dey family, large land owners i n the City, wanted to keep Abraham (Godwin) there, and Anthony Dey of fered to sell him the south side of Dey Street, from Broadway to th e low water mark on the river, for 600L, which could be paid off by h is carpentry..

Feeling the strip of land was too expensive, he move d his family to Totowa about 1755, becomming the first white settle r there."

@ DAR member #17718

Miss Alice Gertrude Cartwright, born in Ithaca, Ne w York; a direct descendant of Colonel Theunis Dey.

@ History of the Treman, Tremaine, Truman Family in America vol1


... (.Dirck3, Theunis2, Dirck1.) 62201

He was born in 1725 (o. 1726), near Preakness, N. J. Colonel of the Bergen County Regiment, 1776.

He built some years before the Dey house at Preakness, N. J., which house was for three months during 1780, the headquarters of Gen. Washington.

He married, in 1751, Hester Schuyler
... (.daughter of Philip Schuyler and Hester Kingsland [
. . . [.Hester K = daughter of - Hon. Isaac Kingsland, member of the Council, and Elizabeth Kingsland, of New Barbadoes Neck, N. J.]
. . . [.Philip S = son of - Arent Schuyler and Janneke Teller.]

. . . no No NO: [.. . . . Johanna Schuyler or Swan VanDuykhusen or Maria Schuyler..] . . . HK

... [.Arent S = son of - Philip Pieterse Schuyler,
. . . born 1628, the first of the name in this country,
. . . married, Dec. 12, 1650, Margaret,
daughter of Herr Brandt Arent VanSchlectenhorst, of Nieuw Kerk in Gelderland.)

@ Hester Schuyler Jr
... was born April 12, 1725.

. . . Records at Trenton, N. J., say:
Theunis Dey, (heir-at-law of Dirck Dey, deceased, of Bergen County), gives deed Nov. 19, 1770,
... to Peter Romer and others, trustees of the Low Dutch Reformed Church at Pompton.
... Witness, Ester Dey, Junior. Charter Trustee of Rutgers College."

His will is dated Nov. 30, 1786; proved July 30, 1787. It is on record in the office of the Secretary of State at Trenton, NJ

Colonel, Bergen County, New Jersey Militia, February 28, 1776; served to close of war

member of New Jersey Assembly, 1777-84

Member of Bergen County Committee of Correspondence during the Revolutionary War.

o - - - o - - - o

. . . new Insert - 2 Feb 2oo3

@ Schuyler ... 62 pages
. . . I need to Look-more, some-Time
. . . TIME ...!.!.! . . . HK
@ "List" ... of Pages . . . NO Name Index...?
@---> To-Me: GO Back ... & pick-UP other K's
... Last, Middle, First - names
@ page Nineteen ... BAD Info
5 - @ Philip Arentse SCHUYLER ... @--->
b Sep 1687 - Albany, Albany Co NY
d 1762 - New Barbadoes, Bergen County NJ
+ 1712 - Pompton Plains, Bergen Co NJ
@ Hester KINGSLAND ... @--->
... b ~1691 - Pompton Plains NJ
... d >1735
... (.dau of - Isaac Kingsland + Elizabeth ______ .)
6 - @ Johanna SCHUYLER ... @--->
b Sep 1713
d 1801 - New Barbadoes, Bergen County NJ
+ June 24, 1741 - Pompton Plains DRC
. . . New Barbadoes, Bergen Co NJ
@ Isaac KINGSLAND - K-49 ... @--->
... b July 10, 1710 - Sanford Springs NJ
... d July 28, 1803 - New Barbadoes NJ
. . . (.WRONG ... Not son of - John Kingsland + Mary Sandford.)
. . . ^---@ NOT Parents @---^
... @ Parents: Col Edmund Kingsland, K-29 + Mary Pinhorne ... @--->
o - - - o
@ page Twenty Seven
7 - @ Peter DEY ... @--->
b March 7, 1760 - Paramus, Bergen Co NJ
d June 4, 1833 - Fayette, Seneca County NY
+ @ Eleanor BOARD ... @--->
... May 9, 1786 in Bergen County NJ
... b
... d 1801
... (.dau of - David Board + Eleanor Kingsland.) ... @--->
... @---> Continue Looks
. . . at page Forty-One
o - - - o - - - o

. . . The END
. . . of @ Colonel Theunis Dey
. . . + @ Hester Schuyler 2nd

. . . For "now"

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