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page 3 -- Hornblower, Bradley . . .

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. . . Introduction @--->

. . . Herb Kingsland --

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Herb Kingsland
POBox 3704
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Section Four -- Relatives

@ Mary Hornblower
. . . no dates
. . . dau of Charles H, + ______
. . . grandau of Chief Justice Joseph
. . . + Samuel A Allen, late 1800s
. . . . .Lawyer
. . . . . hand-written book, about Salem Co
. . . . . "criticism" of local society people
. . . Germantown, Salem Co NJ

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UN-known connections -- or IF . . .

@ Josiah Hornblower, sailorboy 1998

@ Prof Simon Hornblower, Historian -- London 2000

@ I did-Not go into a deep search, for present-day Hornblower's.. Search-Lists produce =heavy= hits for "Horatio Hornblower", Brit sailorboy -- and the Tv show about him.. ...HK

@ Search Information & Links, at bottom of this page..

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Section Five -- Joseph Bradley

Joseph Bradley, married ______ Hornblower,
daughter of New Jersey Supreme Court Chief-Justice Joseph C Hornblower..

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Joseph P Bradley, 1813--1892

Associate Justice, US Supreme Court 1870--1892

Joseph P. Bradley rose to a seat on the nation's highest court without benefit of family fame or fortune. Bradley rose from a humble beginning. The oldest of eleven children, he was raised on a small New York farm. His aptitude earned him entrance to Rutgers University. Three years after graduating, Bradley entered legal practice and became a prominent railroad lawyer and Republican activist. He had a deep commitment to learning and amassed a personal library of 16,000 books. Ulysses S. Grant appointed Bradley to the Supreme Court in 1870. He advocated a broad nationalist view of the commerce clause and of the Fourteenth Amendment. But Bradley voted with the majority in several cases that denied national protection for the rights of blacks. His most famous statement on matters of race came in the Civil Rights Cases (.1883.).

photo . . . a few small details

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@ long, painful read

Eight2seven (.1877.)
Robert Green Ingersoll

[.approx FIFTY scrolls.]

. . . Justice Bradley and Justice Davis. Just at that time the people of the State of Illinois happened to be out of a Senator, and Judge Davis was there and expressed a willingness to go to the Senate. And the people of the State of Illinois elected him, and therefore there was nobody to choose from except Justice Bradley, and he was a Republican.

Now, you know this runs in families. His record was good -- by marriage. He married a daughter of Chief Justice Hornblower, of New Jersey. Now, Hornblower was what you might call a partisan.

Do you know they went to him -- it was in the old times, and he was a kind of Whig -- they went to him with a petition, in the State of New Jersey, a petition addressed to the Legislature for the abolition of capital punishment, and Hornblower said, "I'll be damned if I sign it while there is a Democrat in the State of New Jersey."

As a matter of fact, however, I believe that Justice Bradley and all the other Justices, and all other persons on that tribunal decided as they honestly thought was right. . . .

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Section Six -- misc Links

Continental Congress delegates
@ Josiah Hornblower, New Jersey
. . . elected 28 Oct 1785

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@ Book -- about Slavery & Law

. . . Blacks who lived in the antebellum North were far better off than their Southern counterparts, although they never had full equality. Racial prejudice growing out of slavery became rooted in the colonial period and remained strong in some parts of the North well after slavery expired in that region.[22] But after the Revolution many Northerners overcame their prejudices, at least when faced the prospect of relegating a fellow human to slavery. As my own essay on Chief Justice Hornblower illustrates, Northern state courts and state laws often provided a shield for fugitive slaves and free blacks in the free states. Yet even where Northern states rejected much of the racism associated with slavery and offered a safe haven for blacks, that safety was limited. As James Oliver and Lois E. Horton describe, Northern blacks were never able to fully escape the danger of enslavement posed by the federal fugitive slave laws. . . .

[..I theenk -- there were =other= Links, about Justice JH and Slavery -- but I lost them.. ...HK..]

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4.  Chief Justice Hornblower of New Jersey and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793

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NJ Supreme Court Chief Justice Joseph C Hornblower 1793--1836 . . .

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@ Deeds, Bergen County NJ

21 January 1804

(.recorded 24 May 1804, Bergen Co -- R:311.)

John A. Schuyler of New Barbadoes Neck and Eliza, his wife, conveyed to William Halsey Esquire of New Ark in the County of Essex, for $6000., rights to Cedar Swamp and Salt Meadow land in the County of Bergen commonly known as Schuyler's Cedar Swamp and Salt Meadow whereof Arent Schuyler died seized, on S side of Road or causeway leading from the bridge over Passaic River at Belleville to the toll Bridge over Hackensack River.

Mentioned: chimney of Edmund W. Kingsland house; land lately belonging to said Arent I. Schuyler, dec'd, and lands belonging to William Davis Esquire; mouth of New Ark Bay; Ponky's Kill or Punks Creek; salt meadow formerly belonging to Archibald Kennedy Esquire; Survey made 1767.

Rights to cutting down, taking, and carting said Swamp Cedar Wood and Timber. Signed by John A. Schuyler, Eliza Schuyler. Witnessed by Jos. C. Hornblower.

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5 July 1803
(.recorded 3 Dec 1803, Bergen Co -- R:138.)

Casparus Bogert, Esq., High Sheriff of Bergen County, Abraham Lines, executor, and Elizabeth Bogert, executrix of James L. Bogert, dec'd, in Common Pleas Court term of June 1802 concerning judgement against John Havenor. $217.42 damages; real estate of John Havenor seized on 9 June 1802: messuage and lot belonging to said John Havenor in Bergen, beginning on line of Josiah Hornblower.

Mentioned are Rd. leading to Powlis Hook ferry; line of Matthew G. [P.?] Newkirk; road leading to Hobocken Ferry. Three acres more or less, being same sold at vendue 16 June held at House of George Campbell, Innholder in New Barbadoes to William Coulter, who bid $110.

Signed Casparus Bogert, Sheriff of the County of Bergen. Witnessed by Robert Campbell, Wm. A. DePeyster.

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@ Essex Co NJ -- genWeb

@ Genealogy guide-Links

@ Searching information & Search Engines

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Herb Kingsland --

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The END, of This Chapter -- of The Kingsland Saga

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