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Hi everyone. I'm really really really sorry to do this, but Glitter Glitz is now closed permanently. Here are a few reasons why:

•There is no time to update. I've got church, school, homework, friends, and other stuff to do. When my friends call, they can never get through because the line is busy from me being on the internet, and instead of doing my homework I've been working on GG. It's not worth it.
•I don't want to update. I felt like I had to update and that I had no choice, even though of course I do.
•My computer is not good enough. I have a slow, dial-up connection, and the computer just freezes sometimes. I don't have enough patience for that.
•I don't have any more subpage ideas or anything else. I don't have any special programs like PSP or anything, so I can't make all of the fancy stuff that you want.

If you don't feel like those are good enough reasons, that is too bad. I've got too much stuff to do instead of just sitting around on the computer doing something useless. It's becoming more of a hassle instead of something fun to do when I've got free time.

This doesn't mean that you can't email me and ask questions. If you have any questions about making a website, HTML, codes, etc. you can just email me and I'll be glad to help you. During the summer, when I'm bored and there's nothing to do, who knows? Maybe GG will open again. But don't get your hopes up.

If you have any thing to say, you can use the form or just email me.

Thanks and TTYL,

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