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¤-Sexy's Page-¤

.¤. About Me .¤.
.¤. 15yrs old .¤.
.¤. blondey brown hair .¤.
.¤. bluey green eyes .¤.
.¤. go to PHHS -- woohoo Spartans .¤.
.¤. sexy [says scott] .¤.
.¤. beautiful and amazing -- says scott aswell .¤.
.¤. flirty .¤.

.¤. What I Love... .¤.
.¤. to dance .¤.
.¤. play baseball .¤.
.¤. hang out with friends .¤.
.¤. just being around the threesome (*me,kaeles,scott*)..sums it up pretty good .¤.

.¤. My NickNames .¤.
.¤. Sexy .¤. .¤. Kris .¤. .¤. Faerie Princess .¤. .¤. Freak/Loser .¤. .¤. Dork .¤. .¤. Diedyoin .¤. .¤. Pisstin .¤. .¤. *Baby*Kris* .¤.

Here's to all of my friends

*. S H O U T O U T S .*

Kaeles *BF4L* ~posse~ Thank-you for being such an amazing bestfriend, through tons of shit! You've pulled me through tons of crap thank you. Faerie Princesses/sisters/my bodyguard/twiness! You will forever be my bestest sweetie :D thanks for putting up with me! "Kiss Me" "Drop your pants" Movie Trips rock! Scott scaring us by driving with his knees and chin :P "Are you algeric to bread, butter or cheese?"-'no'-"good, cause I'm making grilled cheese!". No more shoes and sock connecting them, and 12 kids! Chunky hot chocolate, and chicken fingers {exam lunch}! Picture this, pitch black, and you taking off your statiky sweater, and whiping me in the EYE with it. :D - blue sparks baybee :D Watching Bruce Almighty "It's's good" *our movie* Anal Dilator! ~random~ new fav word. Sista's from different mista's! "Shiny Finger", was really random! and "Graaaargh". having the urge to just shove me off your bed, our eye lashes touched, and eating very early in the morning, lets just add a pop to the that. *our song* ~Us Against The World~ "Sergeant Scotty Bear to your rescue" - saying it all in the retarded voice makes it that much better! I'm your girl, and you're mine! We'll forever be bestfriends. We'll be roomies man! Watching the news every night, taping it! Having a whole room for news tapes. You breaking my vacuum cleaner. Scott coming over and watching movies with us! "Have much trouble keeping water in your mouth Kaeley?" - "I got my first tongue kiss today" We both hate yelling and being mad at each other. Me and you were meant to be bestestfriends Kaeley! When Scott leaves we'll be having a sleepover that night, and we're not gonna stop crying for a week. We will so need a lot of Pepto-Bismol! "Let's go with his flo" Beach Bash rocked! "we're secretly lesbians, and liking Scott is just a cover, but really he's our pimp"! It was weird how we saw Scott's name there, he .::MUST::. have been there! Way to smack my boob..hey it's ok, *Double D* You're new nickname is *Kaeley-J*! Way to break my lamp Kaeles! *Cutting down isn't so hard :P* Hogging the blankets. When you get your bunkbeds, i'll be living at your place. "SOMEEGO-SODEN" Chat Boys are funny! Love ya babe! *muah-luck,love,lesbian-muah* Just remember one thing - Pimp Master Scott - its much more funny now, after the dance! lmfao:D! *- Love you so very much, Thanks for being THE BEST BIG SISTER EVER! -* ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|ࢧ|

Aimee M:: I dunno anymore, we barely talk!! but you know I love you so very much!! <3

Allison D:: "My little sister can only see from the front!"... History Class - woohoo :P

Amber:: Great old times, just chillin with muh girlio :D love ya babe! We have to be cousins for life, but we chose to be bestfriends for life. You know absolutely everything about me, and we're so close. I have no idea where I'd be if you weren't by my side. I love you sweetie, You'll always be there, which means a lot. You've taught me well Yoda :P aha. Many good times with you, and if i started to name them off we'd be here forever. God you mean so damn much to me. And I find it really cool, that my cousin is also one of the best people I will ever meet. forever cuzins and bestfriends! Love ya For Lyfe..My money making booty shakin girlio! ;) oh..and we're also Prostitots ;) and Sorority Slut Barbies ;) We will SO FRIGGEN enjoy the whole football team. [and unless you're amber, you will NEVER understand what I'm saying here] Love you sweet cheeks ;) aha! *muah

Aretha H:: George Hamilton Pals! woohoo comm tech - freezing our butts off! :P

Ashley N:: Thanks for being there for me, through all the JENN shit :P *love ya forever*

Camille S:: Love you so much! Dancing with you kicks ass! I'm older than you, lol...sucker! *mwahz*

Carolyn C:: Thanks for feeding me, Careers and Civics rocked :D <3 *mwahz*

Carly M:: My forever friend. Thanks for being cool about everything thats always happened! :D <3 *mwahz*

Chantelle N:: God sisters babe! *I think I'm going to have a heart attack on the wrong side* <3

Chris D:: Thanks for all the good times at the Camper. :D You'll always be my *little* bro!

Craig P:: Well..I'll never forget grade 9! Snowball was amazing, Princess for a night -woohoo! <3

Corey B:: Well, just met you *on the net* ur too cool! I hope everything works out for ya!

Dylan M:: Well I'm sure me liking you is noticable! We should hang out sometime! Careers rocks :P aha!

Erica & Erin D:: Girls, you are the funniest chicks ever. Hockey season rocked.!

Hannah P:: I'll never forget grade 9 :D Love you so much Babes! Thnx for the massage! *mwahz*

Heather D:: We've been through lots..And yes, you finally won, you're the bigger loser :P *love ya!<3*

Heather T:: Comm Tech rocked! freezing our butts off, woohoo..thats always fun!

Janice M:: I'll never forget you! You'll always be there for me! thanks a million *mwahz*

Jeky:: *Freaks/Losers for lyfe* Great times, in good old Shelter Valley! Losers n Freaks for lyfe yo! :D We did have a bit of a rough patch, but you know how much I love ya [and for all those loser people, who are sick minded, i'm not a lesbian..] But i love ya. Can't wait till the camper opens..It'll be so much fun, making some more dance memories, and some sneeking out memories, and chillin with my best memories :D :P love ya sweetie. You'll always be my little Kris. I'm so happy that the pethetic fight is over, cause honestly, it was really stupid.. and I would do anything for ya! You have done nothing but be there for me, and you have no idea what that means to me. I will never let you go. You will always be my best friend, whether you like it or not. We can get through anything. :D It's just too amazing that people that live a while apart are the bestest of friends. Camper opens soon ;) Oh and by the way, thanks for calling me and Ambs .::Prostitots::., cause if you hadn't of, we would have never met most likely! :D I'm so glad you did. It wasn't really funny at the time, but it's friggen hilarious now. Thanks so much Loser/Freak! best friends for lyfe! You'll always be my lil Kris. ;) Hope you and Christopher last forever. :P Cause my little bro is amazing. And you two are just pure amazing together :D Love ya sweetie. *muah!

Jenna F:: Sweetie, I miss you so much! We have to hang out some time soon! *mwahz* love ya forever!

Jessica H:: My Loch Ness Monster Impersonator! :D Love ya loads! gurgling chipmunk! *mwahz*

Jocelynn:: Hey Chicka.Sista! Sweetie, you know I just met you, and I feel like I've known you for a long time. It feels like I can tell you anything, and we barely know each other. You're such an amazing girl, you're really funny, and you look smart :P We're identical babes! :D Awesome Possum! We're both One Tree Hill & The OC Fiends man :P I'm in OTH withdrawl :P You're such a cutie!! SHORTIES ROCK! :D You're just amazing, next dance, its all about us! Walking through the halls together, laughing together <-- ok, so umm, actually that might sound a little weird :P ahah! Nahh, I love you.. You're the best grade 9 by far! Hey man, we're so identical we're long lost sisters :P I mean, we were so separated at birth, hey soon, maybe we'll find matching lockets :P You are just too funny babes, the things you come up with, I tell ya! :P Actually, we're sisters forever and always :P SISTERS FOR LIFE! :D woohoo, you said it! I can trust you, and I love you with everything I've got! I'll always be here for you!! I'll be your shoulder to cry on, your friend to party with!! I'll be your bestfriend, only if you let me :P Hey, you're mine! :D Anyways, yeah...I told you, you had best friend potential :P And look where you are..In my bestfriends list! Thank you for always making me smile! :D

Jordan B:: I love you soo much! We're smelling and tasting fun now - we're cool hun! <3 *mwahz*

Josh D:: Hey little man! :D Camper rocks sweetie. I'll always be your *krin* Love ya!

Julie M:: Computers rocks :D You're too cute! "I'll get you" - for slapping my ass at semi + beach bash!

Kate F:: Good times with you, all i need to say is THE COTTAGE :D *mwahz!

Kate M:: "It's weird you know Kristen" Woohoo! Crazy ass Peeps [hint: me and you :P] <3 *mwahz*

Kirstin F:: Hey Sweetie, I'll always be your *Timmy's Bitch* Miss ya babes, we've kinda drifted!

Kody D:: Beach Bash rocked. I got you to dance, yay! Love you always! You're my Superman! *mwahz*

Matt K:: Thanks for making me a better person. We had some cool times. I'll always love you! *mwahz*

Mark S:: Hey hun, we've had some interesting! the whole e-mail incident. Love ya!

Melissa K:: Thanks for always being there. You're too cool hun! Going Brunette are we :P *mwahz*

Megs L:: *cousins* not really, but we say we are atleast! love and miss ya hun! *mwahz!

Michelle E:: ~Neighbours for lyfe~ <-- well not really :( what happens when I move out of my house! ahhh!

Michelle G:: Wow, dance class rocks. You're too cool. Toxic was fun but scary! *mwahz* <3 ya!

Sam & Nikki E:: You 2 have known me for it seems like forever! Sam - *mmm* One Tree Hill woohoo! :D

Sarah G:: You'll always be the one I can come too, thanks hun! I've got your back hun! <3 *mwahz*

Sarah F:: *Elvis* - Need I say more..Thanks for always being there, you're too cool! *mwahz*

Scott:: Bestfriends for ever and ever! :D fun times on the bus ride! The tickling, and the ear. The Movies! I'm so glad we're bestfriends! Chippie, Now there's another meaning for it. Letting Kaeley Drive, then driving with your knees, then chin! Most of those 600 some odd msgs went towards you! But it was worth it! Thanks for my nickname: Sexy Muffin + Cupcake Face! But Sexy is also my weakness! I will so miss you when you leave *tear* I hope you never ever never ever forget me there Pimp Master Scott ;) another movie trip! I was a lot more talkative! You finally heard my song to you..and i did sing it. damn you forgot to kiss my bum, sucks to be you! I can't wait till my -day off school- I only had 4 hours of sleep, talking to you on the phone from 2 till 6 is always cool! Thanks for always having my back, and always being there for me when i need you! and no, i won't be running away, yet ;) You coming over to my house, watching movies with you and Kaeles, then ordering pizza. Me going and getting Kaeley's cell phone, i betcha thought i never woulda done that! .::That night::. Thanks for finding my other weaknesses. You take away all of my will power when you use them. I'm nothing but .::cute::.. Look, i finally gave you cute. .::That night::. It was such an amazing night! it should happen again sometime, only if you want it to! When I have a fire in my house, I'm gonna be in trouble! The big strong [..hopefully hott..] fireman will have to come and rescue me :P *yay ~ a fantasy and a half* You're cute when you're tired. You talk all sexual! You're just always there for me, making me smile and laugh! I have no idea what I am going to do when you leave. Somewhere along this kick ass friendship, I fell in love with you! You’re always there to pick up the pieces, and always there to make sure I’m ok! I love all of the good times we’ve had, and all of the conversations. You’ve changed me Scott. You’ve made me a better person. I slapped your ass! Love you, You'll always be my bestestfriend :D and thats no lie *mwahs* Love you so much Scott. Always and forever.

Steph M:: Computers class rocks.. I know that you'll always be there, thanks! *mwahz* <3

Tash:: My day camp girlio :D I wanna dance on the square pole - no more..but the dance room, has one. Thanks for like painting me with chalk. Hey man "You so totally rock squirt" Reciting like every line possible from Finding Nemo over the phone, was too funny. "hunnie" Thanks for that name, although you prolly call everyone Hunnie..darn it! i'm always there for you! "Sorry cool girl, didn't know!" "Put a smile on your face, because I love you" You're someone I can come to! I hoped you liked my hug jumping all over you! Way to get suspended, naww Dametto sucks ass! Beach Bash -- grinding and the piggie backs! I'll always love you babe! Don't forget that! Wherever you move to (*when i have a job*) I'll be coming up to visit you!! You're one of my bestfriends, and I would never ever not think of you! Thank you for always being there for me! Love you with everything I've got Kitten! :D *mwahz* Many many memories to come babe, don't you worry!

Tiffany:: My Titfanny for lyfe. -Titfanny and Diedyoin- I'll never forget you sweetie! We've had some cool memories.. Rod Face, Weenermation, walking around. I'll be your shoulder to cry on.. but You might have to shrink a bit. a little bit of advise, - if you're in a crying mood, i'll be there for ya, just don't wear your hooker high heal boots, and we'll be fine! I can't believe that we're as close as we are. Thanks for helping me run away, I was so close too. :P You'll always be my bestfriend. It's weird, we barely know each other and we're the bestest of friends. Glad Dan came between us! Beach Bash rocked..Yellow Ducky, and Kaeley the Orange! Grinding *thats all i need to say! Can't wait for the summer! [swirl, *clap* hands go out]! Rolie Polie Olie Remix! Sista's - *purple dot* <-- no one will understand that, other than Tiff! "La la la, i don't wanna hear it"! "Kiss the Floor" & "Kiss the Ceiling" You know none of our funny things make sense when you write them down! *miss gulable* "now, press -alt- three times.." Too funny! Blondes forever. Miss "Double D" Thats your new name now! You're always there for me, and when I'm around you, you make me feel like I'm a good person! And not a lot of people make me feel that way! Thanks for always being the bestestfriend you could be! :D Kaeley + You + Me + Tash = wow, watch out, some fun in tha tent ;) Love you forever..woohoo! *BFFL* <-- always and forever!

Tryton W:: Well, you've always been there for me. Thanks for being my guy scoper :P *mwahz*

Vicky E:: Good times in Comps class. Jungle..*drools* Beach Bash rocked :P Love ya!

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