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Paris, France

Whitney's spring break from school and we decided to go to Paris, France.  We had a great time and here are a few of the pictures we took on our trip.


7 - 10 April 2003

You can see the Eiffel Tower from everywhere!

Whitney looking to spend money - one way or the other!

View down the river from a bridge.

The Notre Dame!  

Construction started in 1163, during the reign of Louis VII.

The Arc de Triomphe!  The arc commemorates Napoleon's vistories, at the same time remembering the fate of the Unknown Soldier, whose tomb lies beneath.  A ceremony is held there on 11 November each year.

Looking down the stairs at the Arc de Triomphe.

View from the top!

Eiffel Tower, from top of the Arc de Triomphe.

There were 12 roads coming into a circle here.

Eat you heart out Amanda!!!

Amanda, here is a picture of me being cool in Paris!  Oh, where are you?  I hope you had a nice day at school!

Built for the Exposition Universelle of 1899, it was the tallest construction in the world when it was erected, 984 feet.

The Eiffel Tower weighs about 7000 tons.  Each time it is painted (every 7 years) it takes 50 tons of paint!

The Eiffel Tower wasn't opened yet, so Whitney and I walked across the bridge and took a picture.  The next picture you can see the bridge we were on.

Somehow, Whitney talked me to going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Looking waaaaaay down!

Whitney talking to Mom, Grandma, and Amanda!  Guess where I am and you're not!!!

I told her not to rub it in, but she would not listen!

Another "Statue of Liberty"

My favorite picture!

Finally, I'm back down close to the ground.  Well, if I fall at least I'll only be wet not.......well.

This picture is nice too.  The Eiffel Tower and France's Flag in one shot!

The building in the background is the Palais Royal.

The Notre Dame from the East side.

Eiffel Tower, a long ways away!

Moulon Rouge the famous music hall.

Bastille, the scene of historic events of 1789 is represented by this column.

Whitney at the fountain at Place de Vosges.  

This is Paris's oldest square.

Whitney at the entrance to the Picasso Museum.

A MUST if you go to Paris!!!!

Musee de Armee.

Whitney, "struttin' " her stuff!!


Napoleon's Tomb.  Two bronze statues stand guard at the tomb.  Napoleon's body is placed inside 6 coffins, one inside the other.

Gas station on the side walk - can you believe it?

Whitney in the Musee d'Orsay.

Whitney bought two of this guy's paintings!

We are at the Musee de Louvre

The "Mona Lisa"

It was difficult to get close, everyone was pushing to get a picture.

Who took this picture?

Outside the Musee de Louvre.

The Cite de Sciences & Industrie

Can you see the same "ball" that is in the picture to your left?  Look hard, it is there!!

Some neat art work.  Can you see the giant bicycle that has fell over and has been covered up with dirt and grass?  You should be able to see the tire, handle bar with bell,  pedal and seat.

We took a lot more pictures, but the web page just won't hold them all.  Oh, one story:  Whitney and stopped at a sidewalk cafe and ordered a hamburger and fries each.  We also drank two, six ounce Cokes each.  I almost passed out when I seen how much!  "41 Euros!!!  On that day it was about $45.50!!!"  Needless to say, we started looking for McDonalds!!!