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我想Laputa已經暫時停止更新及提供新的影片了, 所以趁著這個機會大家一同努力將過去遺失或是不全的檔案全都補齊. 所以在此很感謝Laputa願意將FTP24小時暫時開著讓我們有機會補檔. 我知道大家似乎不太喜歡我們現在這個樣式的留言版也不太喜歡每到500個留言就必須將舊留言給刪除, 因此有不少網友提議希望採用"主題式"的留言版, 所以在此很謝謝網友yati提供的留言版也很謝謝li77lestar願意提供管理

所以從現在開始請盡量實用yati提供的留言版, 請按照版上的分類規定來留言. 如此一來可以清楚的列出問題的檔案也方便想補檔案的網友. 雖然銀心已經將那都一直進不了那個備用網站換過了但還是希望大家能夠盡量配合使用這個新的"主題式"的留言版來提問題別再把版的性質給弄錯了.  如果大家還是對這個新改變感到不是很明白請到這裡來看吧!  最後還是很Laputa希望能夠好好的休息也希望他能雖時回來不要對我們再次失望

I think Laputa already stopped providing new films for us, for this certain period, and we all know there are a lot missing files and broken accounts exists among those pervious updates.  Thus, we should be very grateful for Laputa offer to open his FTP for 24-hrs now for us to have a chance to fix these files. I also notice that most of webfans do not like our current "Questioning board", complained about messages got deleted after reach to 500 message point, then several webfans suggested that we should use "discussion" type of board for easy viewing the questions and replying back. So, thanks for webfan YATI who offered a great discussion board for us to try, and thanks for li77lestar who offer her help to take charge on the board. 

Thus, From now on, Please use the board YATI offered to post your questions about "missing files" and "broken accounts", and here is the address for that board. Please be aware of the "important announcement" rule BEFORE posting your messages, thank you. Also, here is the "table" for people who willing to offer help to upload, so if you do have the original zip files in hand but you don't know how or you don't have time to upload for others, please contact anyone of these webfans, they might assist you to upload.

I know a lot of people including silver heart can not access to her "back up" page for checking the upload accounts information, so this new setup board hopefully can be able to replace silver heart's board while it is down.  So, if all these information are too confusing for you, please check this page, maybe I can make it more clear for you all.  Really hope that Laputa can get a good rest and please come back whenever he likes to continue.

To Laputa and all:

我們現在有5個留言版來問問題, 上傳資訊,下載資訊, 影片感想等. 如果你方便的話可否請你改編一下以下的資料上你的主頁好嗎如果你不方便的話也沒關係大家請到看謝謝!

1. 這個, 是個下載問題留言版"主題式"名為檔案報報是為了在關站其間方便各位補譬如說少了檔案或是其他下載問題.  <li77lestar and yati 負責> 至於原先的下載問題留言版   請盡量少用如果大家喜歡"主題式"留言版的話

This is the new board that you have problem with missing files/ broken accounts/ downloading problems, you can ask from here. Let's try not to use this old question board (Q-dl) from now on if you like the new board better.

2. 這個是告訴laputa跟銀心的上傳資訊以便他們更新他們的網頁.請不要問問題或是聊天在這板上!謝謝! <grapeseed負責> (保持原狀) This is the board for posting "uploading" information for Laputa or silver heart for updating his/her main page or backup page, so please do not post any "questions" or chatting with webfans. (Qtolaputa)<grapeseed take charges>

3. 這個, 網友銀心為大家協助整理上傳資料的網頁 由於原先的網頁  一直無法進入更新, 所以謝謝銀心將它還過網址, 在這關站的期間或以後的日子這裡還是主要觀看檔案上傳資料的備用站. 請不要留任何的問題或是討論在這板上! <銀心 負責>   The old  "back-up" information board was down for a kind a while, so silver heart move all the old information from it to this new board, very thankful for silver heart's hard work.  This is the board for everyone to check the newest update clips information now and during closing period, although it is in "discussion" format, please do not post any questions or discussions on this board. <Silver Heart's take charges >

4. 在關站的期間, 這個是暫時性的留言板請留下任何意見才能建立一個好的網站. 但是請不要用粗魯的或是攻擊的語言? <li77lestsar 負責> (保持原狀)   This the temporary board while Laputa "closing" his site, in this board please post any suggestions that you have about maintaining a good/safe site for Laputa to continue whenever he decides to come back. (discussion) <li77lestar take charges>

5. 這個板是你看完影片的感想. 可以跟其他的網友來一起討論~ <銀心 負責> (保持原狀)
This is the board for everyone share your thoughts after you saw the clips and programs, you like to share your "kinki" with all can chat in here. (chatting board) <sliver heart take charges>