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Time: 10:16 a.m.
Wearing:5k race tshirt, bke jeans
Listening to: faith hill -- fireflies
Talking to:no one
Thinking about:I need to change my major today...I better get the assistant manager position at the pool..

Quote of the Week: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plants to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me, and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." -- Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday May 20th, 2005


How's it goin? I haven't updated this thing in months..but thats okay, i've been perty darn busy. Tons of stuff has happened lately! School is officially out..okay like, by a month or so..haha. I am so glad! We went on senior trip..that was the best time, ever. I had an absolute blast down in Florida with mi compadres. We ended up going to Universal Studios, Wet and Wild, MGM Studios, Busch Gardens, and the Beach! I love the beach, I am honestly gonna live by a beach someday. So after senior trip..we basically just was kinda bittersweet, I was glad to get out of there, but sad because I will hardly ever see any of my classmates anymore..:(

Okay so school got out..but I still had track. I went to regional track..and only participated in 3 events, although I was spose to do 1 more, the 2 mile..but the 3 events that I competed in..I had the chance to participate in at the state track meet! That was stellar, specially considering it was my last year. So I competed in the mile, 800, and 4x100 relay..soo cool. And to make it better...I placed in 2 of the 3 events! The mile I got 7th in 1A..kinda cool/crazy cuz it was like the 5th time I had ever ran it, and 1st time running it at state, and our 4x100 got 6th. I did pretty bad in the 800..but it was aight cuz I had already competed in a lot. I am really sad that it is over..kinda regretting that I am not running in college..actually really regretting..but there's not much I can do bout it now..

What else..I ran for state FFA office..and it was a great experience, really tough, I met a ton of new people and made some really great friends..but didn't get it. So i was pretty much heart-broken about that, but it happens, and life goes on. I had a blast at State to see some of my best friends, and say goodbye to some friends that I probably wont see for a long time..also very bittersweet, but it was amazing.

So since I didn't really have any plans this summer, I am still workin as a lifeguard..whoo hoo. Gettin the tan, and workin for easy, what a life huh? Besides that, there hasn't been to much else thats new. I am single pretty much...well whats new. I have a lot of good friends, so that works for me for now.. Well..I guess thats all the new stuff I hafta say, for all of those people who dont know whats goin on in my life, they should now! Soo.. if you guys have any questions, or comments on my page or me or just anything in general, feel free to send me an email at, or sign the guestbook!

I hope you have enjoyed checkin this out, and are having fun, but I gotta go, so I will talk lata!

Love Always

