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The Crimsonshield Army...

Knights- Rogues- Mages- Wizards- Druids-Shamans...

Barbarians- Elves-Dwarves-Humans-Ogres...

We all serve one master-

The Balance.

"A secret society, unknown since the dawn of time, was created to overcome the innate weaknesses inherent of the living beings created by the Gods in the times when the  lands were first-born, and fights to protect all who are in danger of domination. We protect freedom for the pure of heart, and commerce for the ambitious. We believe that all allegiances for good or evil need to be nurtured and protected not only from themselves- but from those who would take away an individuals right to that allegiance. We are an army, a family, a school, a trading economy, a bank, and an information network.  We serve and pledge our lives, to each other with an earned sense of respect. We serve those of the world who do not know we exist, promising to protect the fragile balance between the forces of good and evil and therefore allowing personal freedom from interference or domination by others. Thirdly, we serve ourselves by standing together as a family and an army of scouts, scholars, knights, renegades, priests, and tradesmen, therefore furthering each of our personal goals  and ambitions by our unified strengths."

"To fight against the order of the universe is to rush upon a wave and expect it to be thwarted. We believe that no tiny grain of sand can hold back the tides, but relying one upon another, they can form a beach against which the ocean's onslaught cannot prevail. Conversely, we see that the land could not thrive without the precious waters. Only through balance can the two exist."