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R.I.P  T3C 2001 - 2003.           
T3C clan is dead now and has gone history forever...

May the fragging go on forever.

WHAT ??? 

For  near  2 years  T3C  has been good clan with many members. All is over now but  members continue playing in full part of some major clan  team B :) T3C is dead but members are in/part of  some major clan which play full. Members has new names :)

The long answer: T3C get so great offer that can not refuse  and fusion with one major clan which play full. So T3C is history and its new start all of us with new names in part of one major clan which play full.
Thank you for playing  in T3C it was great time but much better times are now ahead :) We are now part of one major clan which play full  with new names and now only heaven is limit to us :). This major clan which B team we are win all demo 1.1 clans anytime :) We leave demo 1.1 behind and play now retail and full version ET and we are now part of one major clan :)

By T3C clan leader