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::through the looking glass::

::Exiting the Hole::

She's like, one of my best friends and a really good artist. (I insist that she's better than I am, but she always says I am. Heck, if you ask me, I *suck*.)
Another really popular artist, she has a great Cowboy Bebop site if you're interested, but no longer updates it.
The girl who runs this site is just *crazy*, but her art definetely rocks. Mostly anime themed. ; )



Was on a bit of an unannounced hiatus. Not that anybody really visits this site. :P Well, just opened up a account(just click on the link, it'll take you straight to my page); new pic posted there.

Until next update!

10/31/03 *sigh* Finally got around to updating again. Just moved some stuff around (you won't notice it), and uploaded a new Halloween pic. :) Until next update!
10/18/03 Damn, it's been a while. Well, just uploaded another pic, it's fanart for a Gundam W fic, Endless Summer .
9/26/03 Just uploaded my summer-themed birthday party invitation. Ironically, my party is in December. :P
9/19/03 *Well*... turns out it wasn't my friend's 28th birthday after all. Hmph. So when the heck IS your birthday, anyway?! Tell me so I can get it right for a change! :P Anyway, new pic up. Gift pic for aforementioned friend.
9/16/03 Happy 20th and 28th birthday to a couple of friends of mine!
Also, just uploaded a new pic in the Art section. There's your stupid pic, Jax. <--Bum. j/k
Thanks for stopping by! Make sure you bring a friend next time, extra kudos to you if it's a cute guy. j/k :P
