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Pictures of Chris

Chris at Graduation in '99

This shows me in the last day of Hell (aka)Belle Plaine High School in May of '99. You'd figure after four years in purgatory you'd be given more than a "chocolate" robe and lame band for your final walk from Hell's mouth. Our great mascot was the Dragon which has become one of my favorite figures to collect, but you have to wonder if our ancient non-existing mascot had anything to do with our non-existing win record!? For those of you that don't know Belle Plaine is about ten miles south of Wichita or five minutes outside of Mulvane.

What are you so Happy about!?

About the only time you'll see me smiling without a drink in hand! Our a little hotty in my lap, the latter works better for me. Don't ask from the picture of me smiling if I've ever had braces cause the answer is no. That's a really weird question anyway to ask someone but I get it all the time when I smile so there you go now before you ask. Though I don't smile much, it't not cause I'm not happy or mad....matter of fact I'm most happy when playing live with the band but I never smile; funny that way.

What are you so Happy about!?

This is me usually, just chillin and hanging out. Though I'm usually cool, calm, and collected once you get me going its on and I definetly will not be sitting down like you see me here.

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