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revised 6/8/2000
Copyright, WCAB 1997

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Keyword Index
Case Summaries

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Generally, 4.30-4.31

Cut, 4.34a

Damage to Artificial Member, 4.34b

Date of, 4.35 - 4.36

- ALJ's Power to Amend Date of Accident, 4.36

- Application of Berry v. Boeing Military Airplanes, 20 Kan. App. 2d 220, 885 P.2d 1261 (1994), 4.37

- Application of Condon v. Boeing Co., 21 Kan. App.2d 580, 903 P.2d 775 (1995), 4.37

- Last Day Worked, 4.37

- Occupational Disease, Date of, 4.37a

Definition of, 4.32

Found Not Compensable Due to Length of Time Between Exposure and Onset of Symptoms, 4.15

Long Period after Exposure, Coupled with Manifestation of Injury, 4.33

Types of Accidents, 4.34

Additional Compensation

Generally, 9.09 - 9.10

Types of, 9.11

- Fringe Benefits, 9.11a

- Health Insurance and Union Dues for Health Insurance, 9.11c

- Meal Allowance, 9.11b

Administration of Compensation & Proceedings to Secure Compensation

Generally, 10.01

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), See Administrative Law Judge, this index

Appeals, See Appeals, this index

Appeals Board, See Appeals Board, this index

Applicability of the Code of Civil Procedure to the Kansas Workers Compensation Act, 10.44

- When Computing Time to Appeal, 15.13

- When Computing Time to Give Notice of Accident, 10.03

- When Computing Time to Give Notice of Preliminary Hearing, 10.14

Application for Hearing, 10.09

Attorney Fees, 10.39

Awards, See Awards, this index

Bankruptcy Proceedings, 10.42

Burden of Proof, See Burden of Proof, this index

Claims for Compensation, 10.08

Credits for Payments Made, See Credits & Offsets, this index

Due Process Considerations, 10.26

Evidence, Admissibility of in Hearings, 10.25-10.25a; See Also Evidentiary Rulings, this index

Law In Affect At Time Of Injury Governs Proceedings, 10.01a

Lump Sum Settlements, 10.37; See Also Lump Sum Settlements, this index

Modification of Awards, See Review & Modification, this index

Notice, See Notice, this index

Oral Arguments, 10.34

Orders, Types of, 15.45; See also Orders, this index

Penalties, Sanctions & Interest, 10.38

Preliminary Hearings, See Preliminary Hearings, this index

Preliminary Orders, See Preliminary Hearing Orders, this index

Promissory Estoppel, 10.45

Regular Hearings, 10.33

- Generally, 10.33a

- Notice of Regular Hearings, 10.15

- Stipulations Entered Into at Regular Hearings, 10.33b

Reopening of Awards, 14.04b

Res Judicata, 10.41

Settlements, 10.35 - 10.36

Statute of Limitations, 10.40

- Generally, 10.40a

- Tolling of, (ie. K.S.A. 44-509 -- incapacitation or incompetency of claimant), 10.40b

Stipulations, Withdrawal of 10.46

Termination of Proceedings, 10.43

Time Limitations and Notice of Hearings & Proceedings, 10.10

- Generally, 10.11

- Notice of Proceedings & Hearings, 10.12-10.13

-- Notice of Preliminary Hearings, 10.14

-- Notice to Parties of Regular Hearings and Other Proceedings, 10.15

- Time Limitations for Filing Application for Hearing, 10.15a

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)

Generally, 10.16 - 10.17

Authority / Jurisdiction & Discretion of, 10.18

- At Preliminary Hearings, 10.18; See Also Preliminary Hearings, this index

- To Appoint Neutral Physicians, 10.19a

- To Conduct a Rehearing; Ability to Retain Jurisdiction Over the Original Preliminary Hearing Order, 10.18

- To Reopen Record, 10.19a

Issues Related to, 10.19

- Generally, 10.19a

- ALJ's Decision Ignoring Uncontradicted Evidence, 15.38

- ALJ's Failure to List Specific Findings of Fact in Decision, 10.19d

- ALJ's Power to Amend Date of Accident, 4.36

- Deference Given to ALJ's Conclusions, 10.19f

- Delay in Issuance of Orders, 10.19c

- Management of Docket, 10.19e

-- Reasonable Time Should Be Given For Depositions to be Filed with the ALJ, 10.19e

- Special Administrative Law Judge, 10.19b

Agricultural Pursuits

See Coverage Under the Kansas Workers Compensation Act, this index

AMA Guides

ALJ's Use of Guides to Convert Extremity Ratings, 10.25a

Deduction of Preexisting Functional Impairment For a Credit Under 44-510e Must Be Based Upon Guides

Impairment Not Addressed in Guides, 8.05

To Determine Impairment Ratings, 8.07

When Guides Conflict with a Specific Statute, 8.05

Which Version of Guides to Use, 8.05, 8.07


Generally, 8.31 - 8.31a

Healing Period, 8.31b


Generally, 15.01

Application of Post-1993 Amendments, 15.06

Application of Pre-1993 Amendments, 15.05

- Generally, 15.06a

- Substantive v. Procedural Amendments, 15.06b

Awards, See Awards, this index

Due Process Considerations, 10.25l

Frivolous Appeals, 15.48

Interlocutory Orders, 15.47a

Nunc Pro Tunc, 15.47b

Payment of Compensation While Appeal is Pending Before the Appeals Board or Court of Appeals, 15.02

- While Award is Pending, 15.03

- While Preliminary Hearing Order or Other Order is Pending, 15.04

Preliminary Hearing Orders, See Preliminary Hearing Orders, this index

Procedure for Taking, 15.11 - 15.12

- Application for Review, 15.14

-- Dismissal of Application For Review, 15.14

- Consolidation of Dockets on Appeals, 15.17a

- Filing of Briefs / Submission Letters, 15.17

- Jurisdiction, See Jurisdiction, this index

- Notice of Appeal, 15.15

- Record on Appeal, 15.16

- Timing of Appeals, 15.13

- Effective Date of ALJ's Decisions, 15.13

- Three Day Mailing Period Does Not Apply, 15.13

Scope of Review, See Appeals Board, this index

Appeals Board

Generally, 15.07 - 15.08

Authority / Jurisdiction & Discretion of, 15.09

- De Novo Review, 15.09

- Issues Related to Child Support Not Subject to ALJ or Appeals Board Review, 15.09

- No Authority to Grant Motion for Judgment on Briefs, 15.09

- No Authority to Grant Relief Under K.S.A. 44-5,120 (Fraud & Abuse), 15.09

- No Authority to Reconsider Board Decision, 15.09

- No Authority to Remove ALJ from Proceedings, 15.09

- No Jurisdiction to Review Constitutional Issues, 15.09

- To Review Issues Raised for the First Time On Appeal, 15.09

- To Review Preliminary Hearing Orders, See Preliminary Hearings & Preliminary Hearing Orders, this index

Scope of Review, 15.10

- Review Limited to Cases Involving Justiciable Controversies, 15.10

- Summary Judgments Not Permissible, 15.10

Arising out of Employment

Generally, 4.01, 4.14 - 4.15

Assault & Fights, 4.23

-Co-workers, Among, 4.24

-Insane or Intoxicated Persons, Assault by, 4.25

-Non Co-workers, Injuries Caused by, 4.26

Causation, 4.16

- Nexus Between the Injury & Disability for Which Benefits Are Sought Required, 4.16

- Work Disability Causation: Nexus Between Injury & Wage and Task Loss Required, 8.17

Complications and Accidents During Medical

Treatment, 5.02

Idiopathic Events, 4.18

Natural Acts, 4.22

Neutral Risks, 4.19 - 4.20

- Unexplainable Falls, 4.21

Personal Comfort Doctrine, 4.17

Personal Risks, 4.18

Risks Associated with the Employment, 4.17

Suicide, 4.29

Unexplained Deaths, 4.28

Willful Misconduct, 4.27


Attorney Fees, 10.39

Average Weekly Wage

Generally, 9.01et seq.

Additional Compensation, 9.09

- Generally, 9.10

- Types of, 9.11

-- Fringe Benefits, 9.11a

-- Meal Allowance, 9.11b

-- Health Insurance and Union Dues for Health Insurance, 9.11c

As Issue Not Reviewed on Appeal, 15.41

Community Service Work, 9.08b

Computation of, 9.02-3

Employment Where Money Rate is Fixed by Employee's Output, 9.08

Full-time Employment, 9.06

Imputed Wage, 8.14a, 8.22

Leave of Absence, Vacation, Sick Leave, Etc, 9.03

Other Types of Employment, 9.08

Minimum Wage Rate, Use of, 8.22

Multiple Employment, 9.07

Overtime, 9.03

Part-time Employment, 9.05

Self-Employed Individuals, 9.04

Temporary Partial Disability, Computation of Weekly Rate, 9.08c


Generally, 15.18 - 15.19

Affirm, Reverse or Modify Decision of Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), 15.20

Remand for Further Proceedings, 15.21

Scope of Review, 15.22


See Compensation & Benefits, this index

Borrowed Employee

Generally, 3.12 - 3.13

Control Test, 3.14

Joint Liability of Lending and Borrowing Employer, 3.15

Burden of Proof

Generally, 10.20 - 10.21

Claimants, 10.24

Defined, 10.22

Liberal Construction, 10.23

Placed upon Fund, 10.21

Respondents, 10.24a

Claims for Compensation

Generally, 10.08

Employee's Report of Accident, 10.08

Independent Medical Exams, No Extension of Time Allowed, 10.08

Limits on Amendments to Written Claims, 10.08

Compensation & Benefits

Generally, 7.01

Burial, See Death, this index

Credit for Compensation from Prior Award and/or Any Amounts Previously Paid, 7.20;

See Also Credits & Offsets, this index

Death, See Death, this index

Medical & Rehabilitation, 7.02 - 7.03

- Chiropractic Treatment Found Reasonably Necessary, 7.03

- Disputes Regarding Medical Treatment, 7.05

- Future Medical, 14.03

- Independent Medical Exam, 7.04

- Medical Fees, 7.06

- Neutral Physicians, 7.08

- Right to Designate Treating Physician, 7.09

- Types of Treatment, 7.03a

-- Devises & Apparatuses, 7.03b

-- Surgery, 7.03c

- Unauthorized Medical Expense Allowance, 7.07

-- Employer Neglects to Provide Medical Care, 7.07

Mileage Reimbursement, 7.29

Paying Minimum Amount of Compensation Based on Minimum Functional Impairment, 8.05

Rehabilitation, 7.10


See Also Employee, Independent Contractor, Subcontractor, this index

Independent Contractor, 3.05

Course of Employment, During or Within

Generally, 4.01 - 4.03

Civic Activities, 4.04

Coffee Breaks, Accidents during, 4.05

Company -Sponsored Events, 4.04

Complications and Accidents During Medical Treatment, 5.02

Deviations or Abandonment of Employment, 4.13a

Dual / Mixed Purpose Trips, 4.11

Going to and Coming from Work, 4.06

- Integral and Necessary Part of Work, 4.06

- Premises Exception, 4.06a

- Special Risk or Hazard Exception, 4.06b

Horseplay, Accident while Employee Is Engaged In, 4.12

Lunch Hours, 4.05

On-Call Status During Breaks, 4.05

Personal Needs or Trips, Accidents While Engaged In, 4.07

Prohibited Activity, Accident While Engaged In, 4.13

Recreational or Social Activities, 4.04

Seminars or Other Work-Related Events, Injuries Suffered While Attending, 4.10a

Transportation &/or Accommodations Furnished by Employer, 4.10

Travel for The Benefit of Employer, 4.08 - 4.09

Coverage under the Kansas Workers Compensation Act

Generally, 2.01

Coverage for Injuries Sustained Outside the State, 2.01, 2.08, 2.09

Employers Included / Excluded, See Employer, this index

Place of Injury, 2.10

Place the Employment Contract Is Created, 2.08

Principal Place of Employment, 2.09

Specific Employments Excluded from Coverage, 2.07

- Agricultural Pursuits, 2.07a

Credits & Offsets

Generally, 7.18

Credit for Compensation From Prior Award /Any Amounts Previously Paid and/or Overpayments, 7.20

Credit for Preexisting Disability, 7.19, 8.06

- Asymptomatic Preexisting Conditions, 7.19

- Preexisting Functional Impairment Credit, 8.06

Disability Benefits Made Under Private Insurance Company, No Credit Allowed, 7.18

Offset for Retirement Benefits, 7.21 - 7.23

- Retirement Benefits Defined, 7.22

- Retirement Offset, 7.23

Offset for Social Security Benefits, 7.23a

Subrogation Claim in Third Party Action, 7.23b

-Consortium Damages, 7.23b


Generally, 6.01 et seq., 7.24 - 7.25

Benefits Terminated As a Result of Non Work-related Death, 7.28b

Burial Benefits, 7.26

Calculation of Benefit, 7.27

Claim Based upon Loss of Chance of Survival Due to Negligence of Employer, 10.45

Dependents, 7.27a

Lump Sum Remarriage Death Benefit, 7.27

Nature of Dependency, 6.02

Partial Dependency, 6.03

Special Aspects of Claims of Survivors, 6.04

Surviving Spouse, Abandonment or Desertion, Proof of Dependency, 6.04, 7.28

Time Requirements of Claims, 6.05

Unexplained Deaths, 4.28

Wholly Dependent Child/Children, 7.28a


Generally, 13.01

Alcohol or Drug Related Conduct, 13.02

"Certain Defenses," 13.01

Intentional Self Injury, 13.04

Misrepresentation of Physical Injury, No Defense, 13.01

Orders and Rules, Violations of, 13.05

Safety Devices, Failure to Use, 13.03

Willful Misconduct by Employee, 13.06


Generally, 7.11 - 7.12, 8.01

Computation of, See Work Disability & Average Weekly Wage, this index

Functional Impairment, See Functional Impairment, this index

General Body Disability, See General Body Disability, this index

Length of Disability / Disability Lasting at least One Week, 7.17

-Application of Boucher v. Peerless Products, Inc., 21 Kan. App.2d 977, 911 P.2d 198, rev. denied 260 Kan. 991(1996), discussed, 7.17

- Application of Osborn v. Electric Corp. of Kansas City, 23 Kan. App.2d 868, 936 P.2d 297, rev. denied 262 Kan. (1997), discussed, 7.17

- Disablement Need Not be Consecutive Days, 7.17

- Sick Leave Pay is Not "Wages," 7.17

- Temporary Total Disability Restricted Unless Disability Exists Three Consecutive Weeks, 7.17

- Time Missed for Medical Treatment Discussed, 7.17

Nature & Extent of Disability, 8.01 - 8.14a

Permanent Partial, 7.14, 8.09

Permanent Total, 7.16, 8.08

Situs of Resulting Disability, 8.01

Temporary Partial, 7.15

Temporary Total, 7.13

Work, See Work Disability, this index

Due Process

Generally, 10.26

Earning Capacity Loss

See Work Disability, this index

Emotional & Psychological Disorders

Generally, 4.48f

Hysteria or Traumatic Neurosis, 4.48f

Nature & Extent of Work Disability, 8.33


Generally, 3.01

See Also Employer, Employment Relationship, Subcontracting, this index

Borrowed Employee, 3.12; See Also Borrowed Employee, this index

Dual Employment, 3.11

Employee Distinguished from Contractor, 3.05

- Generally, 3.06

- Payment of Wage, 3.07

- Right to Control, 3.08

-Tools and materials, furnishing, 3.09

Foster Parents, As Employees, 3.01

Illegal Aliens, 3.04

Statutory Employee, 3.10


Generally, 2.02 - 2.03, 3.01

See Also, Employee, Employment Relationship, Subcontracting, this index

Corporation Found to be Sham for Purposes of Determining Employer - Employee Relationship, 2.03

Election to Come Under The Act, 2.04

Liability as Principal, 3.18

Multiple Employment, 3.20

- Employers' Rights to Reimbursement from Other Employer, 3.20

-Right of Employee to Proceed Against More than One Employer, 3.20

Payroll Requirement, 2.05

Right to Credits and Offsets, 7.18 - 7.23a, See Also Credits &Offsets, this index

Self Employment, 2.06

Specific Employments Excluded, 2.07

- Agricultural Pursuits, 2.07a

Employment Relationship

Generally, 3.01

See Also Employee, Employer, Subcontracting, this index

Contract for Employment, 3.02

- Generally, 3.03

- Employment Conditioned Upon Passing a Pre-Employment Screening Test, 3.04a

- Falsification of Pre-Employment Application, 3.04b

- Foster Parents, As Employees, 3.01

- Illegal Employment, 3.04

-- Illegal Aliens, 3.04

Corporation Found to be Sham for Purposes of Determining Employer - Employee Relationship, 2.03

Evidentiary Rulings

Admissibility of Evidence in Hearings, 10.25 - 10.25k

- Business Records/Documents, 10.25l

- Chemical Tests, 10.25c

-- Probable Cause For Taking Drug Test, 10.25c

- Employer Report of Accident, 10.25k

- Hearsay, 10.25e

- IME Report, 10.25b

- Medical Reports, Testimony & Opinions, 10.25b

-- Timely Objection Required, 10.25b

- Polygraph Tests -- Admissibility of, 10.25a

- Rebuttal Evidence, 10.25i

- Records Not Attached to the Application for Preliminary Hearing or Otherwise Formally Offered Into Evidence, 10.25j

- Surveillance Videos, 10.25g

- Testimony of Claimants, 10.25d

- Transcripts, 10.25f

- Unemployment Records, 10.25h

ALJ's Use of Guides to Convert Extremity Ratings, 10.25a

Failure to Make Timely Objection to Admission of, 10.25a


Unexplainable falls, 4. 21

Fringe Benefits

Generally, 9.11a

See Also Average Weekly Wage, this index

Functional Impairment

Generally, 8.04 - 8.05, 8.30

AMA Guides, See AMA Guides, this index

Functional Impairment Ratings, 8.07

General Body / Nonscheduled Injuries, 8.02 - 8.03

One Physician's Functional Impairment Rating is Not More Credible than Another, 8.07

Paying Minimum Amount of Compensation Based on Minimum Functional Impairment, 8.05

Preexisting Functional Impairment, 8.06

- Credit for Preexisting Functional Impairment, 7.19, 8.06

Scheduled Injuries, 8.31


Generally, 11.01

Burden of Proof, Placed Upon, 10.21

Employee Misrepresentations, 11.04

Insolvency, Employer, 11.03

Knowledge of Handicap, 11.04

Liability Defined, 11.02

Motion to Dismiss Fund, 11.07

No Liability (After July 1, 1994), 11.02

Reimbursement from, 11.05

Right to Assert Date of Accident as Defense, 11.01

Right to Litigate Issues, 11.06

Future Medical

Generally, 14.03

Use of Preliminary Hearing Procedures for Post-Award Application for Medical Treatment, 14.01a

General Body Disability (Nonscheduled Injuries)

Generally, 4.53 - 4.55, 8.02 - 8.03

Functional Impairment, 8.04 - 8.05

- Preexisting Functional Impairment, 8.06

General Body Injuries / Injuries to Body as a Whole, 4.55

Permanent Partial General Disability, 8.09

Permanent Total Disability, 8.08

Work Disability, See Work Disability, this index

Heart Conditions

Generally, 4.48d

Heart Amendment, 4.48d

Imputed Wages

Average Weekly Wage Imputed, 8.14a, 8.17, 8.21- 8.22

Independent Causes, Effects of

Generally, 5.01

Complications & Accidents During Medical Treatment, 5.02

Intervening Cause, 5.04

New Injury Resulting from New & Separate Accident Discussed, 5.03

Refusal to Accept Medical Treatment, 5.05

Independent Contractors

See Also Employee, Contractor, Subcontracting, this index

Independent Contractor, 3.05

Independent Medical Exam

Generally, 7.04

Admission of Into Evidence, 10.25b


Generally, 4.01

Accidental, See Accident, this index

Aggravation of, 4.47b

Amputation, 8.31

- Generally, 8.31a

- Healing Period, 8.31b

Back & Shoulder Injuries, 4.48a

- Injury to Trapezius Musculature, 4.48a

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 4.48g

Cumulative Injuries, 4.48b

Day-to-Day Living Activities, 4.01c

Deafness, 4.48c

Death, See Death, this index

Definition of, 4.01a

Distended Bladder, 4.48h

Emotional & Psychological Disorders, 4.48f

- Hysteria or Traumatic Neurosis, 4.48f

General Body, 4.53 - 4.55; See Also General Body Disability, Nonscheduled Injuries, this index

- General Body Injury / Injury to Two Scheduled Members, 4.55

Heart Attacks & Conditions, 4.48d

- Heart Amendment, 4.48d

Hernia, 4.48j

Infection, 4.48e

Kidney Failure, 4.48i

Medical Compensation, for Injury, See Compensation & Benefits, this index

Mental & Nervous, 4.48f

- Hysteria or Traumatic Neurosis, 4.48f

Natural Aging Process, 4.01b

Natural Consequence of, 4.45 - 4.45a

- Secondary Injury / New Injury Resulting from Primary Accident, 4.46

New Injury Resulting from New & Separate Accident Discussed, 5.03

Nonscheduled, 4.53 - 4.55

- General Body Injury / Injury to Two Scheduled Members, 4.55

Normal Wear and Tear Injuries Discussed, 4.01a, 4.01b, 4.01c

Occupational Disease, See Occupational Disease, this index

Place of, 2.10

Pre-existing, 4.47

- Aggravation of, 4.47b

- Causal Connection Required, 4.47c

Proof of, 4.56

Scheduled, 4.49 - 4.52

- Generally, 4.49 - 4.50

- Repetitive Use, 4.51

- Specific Traumatic Event, 4.52

Specific Types of Injuries, 4.48

Trauma, 4.52

Insurance Carrier Liability

Generally, 12.01

As Party to Proceedings, 12.01

Notice of Hearings, 12.02

Right to Designate Treating Physician, 7.09

Whether the Board Has Jurisdiction to Decide Insurance Coverage Issues, 12.04, 15.44

Which Carrier is Liable, Whether the Board has Jurisdiction to Decide, 12.03 15.44

Interlocutory Orders

Generally, 15.47a

Orders for Independent Medical Examination (IME), 15.47a

Orders for Paternity Tests, 15.47a

Terminal Dates, 15.47a

Intervening Causes & Accidents

Generally, 5.04


Administrative Law Judge, Jurisdiction of, 10.18

- At Preliminary Hearings, 10.28

Appeals Board, Jurisdiction of, 15.09

- To Review Preliminary Hearing Orders, 10.29; See Also Preliminary Hearings, Preliminary Hearing Orders, this index

Last Injurious Exposure

Generally, 4.43

Lump Sum Settlements

Generally, 10.37

See Also Administration of Compensation, this index

Best Interests Hearing, 10.37a

Review and Modification Not Permitted, 10.37b

Medical Benefits

See Compensation & Benefits, this index

Medical Treatment

Generally, 7.02 - 7.03a

Complications and Accidents During, 5.02

Disputes Regarding Medical Treatment, 7.05

Independent Medical Exam, 7.04

Medical Fees, 7.06

Neutral Physician, 7.08

Refusal to Accept Medical Treatment or Undergo Surgery, 5.05, 7.05a

Right to Designate Treating Physician, 7.09

Types of, 7.03a - Devises and Apparatuses, 7.03b

- Nursing Services Found Not Reasonable, 7.03a

- Surgery, 7.03c

- Transportation Provided, 7.03a

Unauthorized Medical Expense Allowance, 7.07

-Employer Neglects to Provide Medical Care, 7.07

Modification of Awards

See Review & Modification, this index

Modify Decision of Administrative Law Judge, 14.02, 15.20, 15.25

Motion for Reconsideration

Generally, 14.04a

Of Appeals Board Order, Authority to Review, 15.09

Natural Consequence of Injury

Generally, 4.45 - 4.45a

Secondary Injury / New Injury Resulting from Primary Accident, 4.46

Neutral Risks

Generally, 4.19

Unexplainable Falls, 4.21

Nonscheduled Injuries

See General Body Disability, this index


Notice of Accident or Injury, 10.02

- Generally, 10.03

- Actual Notice by Employer, 10.05

- Just Cause for Not Reporting in a Timely Manner, 10.07

- Notice Given By President of Company or Stockholders, 10.05

- Notice to Employer of Injury, 10.04

Stockholder of Corporation to Himself /Herself, 10.03

- Timing of, 10.06

Notice of Appeal, 15.15

Notice of Occupational Diseases, 10.07a

Notice of Proceedings & Hearings, 10.12

- Generally, 10.13

- Notice of Preliminary Hearings, 10.14

- Notice to Insurance Carriers of Hearings, 12.02

- Notice to Parties of Regular Hearings and Other Proceedings, 10.15

Nunc Pro Tunc

Generally, 15.47b

Occupational Diseases

Generally, 4.38 - 4.39

As Distinguished from Ordinary Diseases of Life, 4.40

Asthma, 4.44a

Diabetes, 4.44c

Dual Causation, 4.41

Increased Risk of, 4.42

Last Injurious Exposure, 4.43

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, 4.44a

Nature & Extent of Work Disability, 8.32

Tuberculosis, 4.44b

Types of Diseases Covered, 4.44


Generally, 7.18 - 7.23b

See Also Credits & Offsets, this index

Oral Arguments

Generally, 10.34


Awards, See Awards, this index

Interlocutory Orders, See Interlocutory Orders, this index

Nunc Pro Tunc, See Nunc Pro Tunc, this index

Order Assessing Costs Against Claimant, 15.46

Preliminary Hearing Orders, See Preliminary Hearing Orders, this index

Penalties, Sanctions & Interest

Generally, 10.38

Permanent Partial Disability

Generally, 7.14

Permanent Partial General Disability, 8.09

Permanent Partial Scheduled Disability, 8.29

Permanent Total Disability

Generally, 7.16, 8.08

Post Award Proceedings

Generally, 14.01

Future Medical, 14.03

Motion for Reconsideration, 14.04a

Preliminary Hearing Procedures Used for Post Award Proceedings, 14.01a

Reopening of Awards, 14.04b

Review & Modification, 14.02

Preexisting Conditions

Generally, 4.47 - 4.47a

Accelerated Need for Surgery, 4.47b

Aggravation of, 4.47b

Causal Connection Required, 4.47c

Preexisting Functional Impairment, See Functional Impairment, this index

Preliminary Hearings

Generally, 10.26a - 10.27

Administrative Law Judge, Jurisdiction of, 10.28

Appeals Board, Jurisdiction of, 10.29

As Procedures Used for Post Award Proceedings, 14.01a

Change of Physicians, 10.30

Disability Benefits, 10.31

Limitation on Number of Preliminary Hearings, 10.32a

Medical Benefits, 10.32

Notice of Preliminary Hearing, 10.14

Preliminary Hearing Orders

Generally, 15.23 - 15.24

Authority / Jurisdiction of Appeals Board, 10.29

- To Affirm, Reverse or Modify Decision of Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), 15.25

- To Remand for Further Proceedings or Specific Findings, 15.26

- Scope of Review, 15.27

Issues Reviewed on Appeal:, 15.28 - 15.29

- Accidents, 15.30

- Acts / orders exceeding Administrative Law Judge's (ALJ's) Jurisdiction, 15.36

- ALJ's Decision Ignoring Uncontradicted Evidence, 15.38

- Arising out of, 15.31

- Course of, During or Within, 15.32

- Defenses, 15.35

- Timely Notice, 15.33

- Timely Written Claim , 15.34

Issues Not Reviewed on Appeal:, 15.37, 15.38

- Average Weekly Wage, 15.41

- Change of Physicians and/or Authorization of Medical Treatment, 15.40

- Issues Not Considered Jurisdictional, 15.44

-- Evidentiary Issues, 15.44

-- Identity of Correct Insurance Carrier, 15.44

-- Insurance Coverage Issues, 15.44

-- Nature & Extent, 15.44

-- Post Award Application for Preliminary Hearing, 15.44

-- Which Insurance Carrier is Liable, 15.44

- Medical Benefits, 15.42

- Temporary Total Disability, 15.43

- Vocational Rehabilitation, 15.39

Procedural v. Substantive Amendments

Generally, 15.06b

See Also Appeals, this index

Application of Post-1993 Amendments, 15.06

Application of Pre-1993 Amendments, 15.05

Due Process Considerations, 10.25l

Utilization and Peer Review Procedures Found to Not be Substantive, 15.06

Rehabilitation Benefits

See Also, Compensation & Benefits, this index

Which Facility to Provide Long Term Care, 7.10

Vocational Rehabilitation, 7.10, 15.39

Reopening of Awards

Generally, 14.04b

Review & Modification

Generally, 14.02

See Also Modification of Awards, this index

Review and Modification of Awards Exceeding 415 Week Time Period After Injury, 14.02

Review and Modification of Lump Sum Settlements Not Permitted, 10.37b

Use of Preliminary Hearing Procedures as Part of Post Award Application for Review & Modification, 14.01a

Scheduled Injuries

Generally, 4.49 - 4.52, 8.27 - 8.31b

Amputation, 8.31 - 8.31a

- Healing Period, 8.31b

Functional Impairment, 8.30

Permanent Partial Scheduled Disability, 8.29

Repetitive Use, 4.51

Specific Traumatic Event, 4.52

Statute of Limitations

Generally, 10.40, 10.40a

Tolling of, (ie. K.S.A. 44-509 -- incapacitation or incompetency of claimant), 10.40b


Generally, 3.16 - 3.17

See Also Employee, Employer, this index

Liability of Principal, 3.18

Subcontractor, 3.19

Substantive v. Procedural Amendments

Generally, 15.06b

See Also Appeals, this index

Application of Post-1993 Amendments, 15.06

Application of Pre-1993 Amendments, 15.05

Due Process Considerations, 10.25l

Utilization and Peer Review Procedures Found to Not be Substantive, 15.06

Temporary Partial Disability

Generally, 7.15

Computation of Weekly Rate, 9.08c

Temporary Total Disability

Generally, 7.13

Allowed Under the Scheduled Injury Statute, 7.13

As Issue Not Reviewed on Appeal, 15.43

At Preliminary Hearings, 10.31

Ordered Paid Retrospectively, 7.13

Whether TTD Rights are Limited Following 415 Weeks After the Injury, 7.13

Terminal Dates

Generally, 15.47a

See Also Interlocutory Orders, this index

Extension of Terminal Dates, 15.47a

Unauthorized Medical Expense Allowance

Generally, 7.07

Employer Neglects to Provide Medical Care, 7.07

Utilization & Peer Review Procedures

Found to be Substantive Amendments, 15.06b

Procedures Not Established by Directors's Rules, 11.05

Wage Loss

See Work Disability, this index

Work Disability

Generally, 8.10 - 8.11

Application of Copeland v. Johnson Group, Inc. and Travelers Insurance Company, 24 Kan. App.2d 306, 944 P.2d 179 (1997), 8.17, 8.22

Application of Foulk v. Colonial Terrace, 20 Kan. App. 2d 277, 887 P.2d 140 (1994), rev. denied 257 Kan. 1091 (1995), 8.14a, 8.15, 8.17, 8.22

Application of Watkins v. Food Barn, 23 Kan. App.2d 837, 936 P.2d 294 (1997), 8.17

Employee Laid Off Work, 8.11, 8.15

Employee Voluntary Removal from Open Labor Market, 8.15

Falsification of Pre-Employment Application, 8.22

Foulk and Copeland, Rationale Applied Only to Post-Injury Conduct, 8.22

Good Faith Effort to Find Employment, 8.14a, 8.15, 8.17, 8.22

Illegal Aliens & Work Disability Discussed, 8.22

Occupational Disease, 8.32

Performance of Job Without Accommodations, 8.12

Physician Not Required to Calculate Tasks Loss Percentage, 8.17, 8.20, 8.23

Psychological Injury, 8.33

School, Whether Return to School to Learn New Skills Satisfies Good Faith Effort Requirement to Find

Appropriate Employment, 8.22

Termination of Employment for Violation of Company Rules & Policies, 8.15, 8.22

Voluntary Performance of Work Duties Outside Restrictions, 8.11

Work Disability Causation: Nexus Between Injury & Wage and Task Loss Required, 8.17

Work Disability Test (Pre 1993 Amendments), 8.12

- Computation of Benefits, 8.16

- Imputed Wage, 8.14a

- Lack of Good Faith By Claimant to Return to Work, 8.14a

- Loss of Ability to Return to Work at a Comparable Wage, 8.14

- Loss of Access to Labor Market, 8.13

- Presumption Upon Return to Work at a Comparable Wage / Presumption of No Work Disability, 8.15

Work Disability Test (Post 1993 Amendments), 8.17

- Computation of Benefits, 8.23

-- Change in Disability Rate, 8.23

-- Physician Not Required to Calculate Tasks Loss Percentage, 8.17, 8.20, 8.23

- Difference Between the Average Weekly Wage Earned Pre-injury and the Average Weekly Wage Earned Post-injury, 8.21

- Imputed Wage, 8.22

- Lack of Good Faith by Claimant In Securing Post-injury Work, 8.22

- Loss of Ability to Perform the Work Tasks During the 15-year Period Preceding the Accident, 8.18 - 8.19

-- Work Task Loss, 8.20

Work Restrictions, 8.11

Work Restrictions

Generally, 8.24 - 8.25

See Also Work Disability, this index

Preexisting Permanent Work Restrictions & Work Task Loss Analysis Discussed, 8.20

Prior Permanent Work Restrictions, 8.26

Work Task Loss

See Also Work Disability, this index

Adequate Foundation for Physician's Testimony Required, 8.20

Breakdown of Job into Individual Tasks Required, 8.20

Duplicative Tasks, 8.20

Physician Not Required to Calculate Tasks Loss Percentage, 8.17, 8.20, 8.23

Preexisting Permanent Restrictions, 8.20

Time-Weighted versus Non Time-Weighted Work Task Loss Analysis Discussed, 8.20

Work Task Loss Analysis, 8.20

Workers Compensation Liability

Generally, 1.01

Constitutionality of Act, 1.02

Exception to General Rule that Negligence is not a Necessary Element of Workers Compensation Claim, 1.01

Historical Background, 1.02

Liberal Construction of Act, 1.03, 10.23

Workers Compensation Theory, 1.03

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