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If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Jan Zimmers (Workers Compensation Board Research Analyst/Webmaster) at 785-296-8484.

Go to Table of Contents, Keyword Index

§14.01 Generally

IMPORTANT: The 2000 Kan. Sess. Laws Ch. 160, New Section 4 (now numbered K.S.A. 44-510k) provides new statutory procedures for obtaining post-award medical treatment. The decision of the ALJ is subject to full review by the Appeals Board under K.S.A. 44-551(b). Any action of the Appeals Board pursuant to post-award medical orders is subject to judicial review under K.S.A. 44-556. Consequently, afer July 1, 2000, some of the following decisions addressing post-award medical procedure may not be applicable to a specific case.

14.01a Preliminary Hearing Procedures Used for Post Award Proceedings

14.02 Review & Modification

14.03 Future Medical

14.04 Other

14.04a Motion for Reconsideration

14.04b Reopening of Awards