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Visitors Since
The Ultimate Palace
Was Born


  • 05-20-02 - Added the new BINARY version of my website.  Be patient, its tough building an entire website in binary.

  • 05-19-02 - Today, after several complaints, I optimized the thumbnails on the 3D Design Page., now they should load faster.

  • 05-18-02 - Discovered new web editing technique with FrontPage.  Webpage may now be updated much more often, with these new, simpler ways.

  • 05-10-02 - I have recently acquired the know-how on creating Hair in Lightwave 3D. I think this could prove to be very helpful in my future projects.

  • 04-01-02 - Added New DHTML effects to site, I like them!

  • 01-15-02 - I now have Lightwave 3D and Poser 4, so I can expand on my abilities.  I have upped some new pics in the 3D Page.

  • 08-19-01 - New mountain scene created with Terragen added to the 3D Design Page.  Also inverted the order of the pictures, so that the most recently added images are at the top of the page.  I now have the new version of Bryce, so, hopefully more detailed images will be showing up.  Binary version of site coming soon.

  • 08-10-01 - I've created one more 3D Picture that I have uploaded to the 3D Design Page.  Nothing else has changed so far.  Still need suggestions for improvements.

  • 07-25-01 -  I'm just trying to fix some minor bugs that I have found on my site.  I need to work on some more 3D Images.  I have a suggestion of making a waterfall, but, I haven't decided what I want to do yet.

  • 06-28-01 - Added brand new pictures to the 3D Design Page.  I hope you like them.  Give me your comments about then on my message board. Thanks

  • 06-20-01 - Today I tried several different arrangements of the homepage, but this one still seems to be the best one.  I also moved the hit counter to the column on the left.  There were some other small things that I changes to help improve the site.  I added a new link the the Links Page.  Still working on getting some of the graphic file sizes lowered so the pages will load faster.  I am running out of ideas, so, if you have any suggestions, please tell me.

  • 06-19-01 - Changed the "Your Comments" Link to the E-Mail Button.  This was done for my own privacy.  Also fixed some minor problems in the 3D Page.  Added the Message Board Link at the bottom of this home page.   I tried to get a different hit counter, but it wasn't working properly.  These late nights make things hard.

  • 06-18-01 - I worked on the Games Page a little, mostly just removing more of the DHTML Effects.  I also added the borders.  Tell me how you like them.  I have built a feedback link to the site.  It can be found under the links to other pages.  I also compressed my buttons so that the pages would load faster.  Started building the Links Page.  If you have any interesting links that you want to have put on here, or if you want to get exposure to you own web page, just use the "Your Comments" link to the left.

  • 06-17-01 - I finally got the 3D Graphics posted on the 3D Design page.  I am also very close to getting my site switched over from The Gaming Palace to The Ultimate Palace.  I have had to switch over all of the Hyperlinks and all of the graphic sources.  There are two basic reasons that I am doing this, one is because I want to cover more that just gaming.  And second is because I am changing some of the script on the pages, to prevent certain public servers such as schools to block my site.  I also have gotten rid of most of the DHTML Effects on my site, because it was slowing everything down too much, and because some of it wouldn't load properly.  I hope to work on this site constantly for the next few days.

  • 04-22-2001 - I now have Front Page 2000.  It is a lot easier to build a web page with it.  Previously, I had to use Front Page Express, it has VERY limited capabilities.  It is nice to finally break loose, and let my mind wonder....  The Ultimate Palace was born.  Paint Shop Pro is also very nice for making the buttons and graphics.

  • 02-24-2001 - Added all title graphics, and hyperlink graphics.

  • 02-20-2001 - Added Midtown Madness 2 Page.

  • 04-11-2000 - Added recoil hyperlink, and also added all of the Midtown Madness Cheat Codes.

  • Before 04-11-2000 - Information was not written.  And the site did not consist of much at that time.



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