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No longer updating

I am no longer updating this page.. if you want to contact me, go to

My other pages:
News on Me *last updated May 5, 2004*
Concerts that I have been to
Official Band Pages!
My IQ Test Result *April 2, 2002*

My Results from
Personality - Romantic Personality Test *December 19, 2001*
Personality - Giver/Taker Test *December 19, 2001*
Personality - Sex Personality Test *December 19, 2001*
Personality - Anxiety Test *December 19, 2001*
Health - Emotional IQ Test *December 19, 2001*
Health - Self-Esteem Test *December 19, 2001*
Health - Exercise Myth Quiz *December 19, 2001*

My Stick People Death animations:
Psycho Stick - This is my first ever animation that I have made.
Da Bomb - An animation with a plane and a bomb.
Riot Massacre - This is what happens when a good riot goes bad.
Death Note - I hate people who think they can sing when they really can't!

Pics of My Friends and I:
Chavo Guerrero, Jr. and Me (February 2004)
Ultimo Dragon and Me (February 2004)
Rhyno and Me (February 2004)
The Undertaker and Me (February 2004)
The Undertaker and Ben (February 2004)
Me with the Rock Girls (February 2004)
Me (October 2001)
Rick (October 2001)
Kory (October 2001)
Adam (October 2001)
Keith (October 2001)
Me (July 2001)
my 2nd band; Nocturnal Solace/Lost Soul; From left to right: Adam, Kory, Me, Rick, Keith(July 2001)
Bill (July 2001)
Me (October 2000)
Me with Herman (October 2000)
Me on Motorcycle (October 2000)
Shay and Me (October 2000)
Stephanie, Shay, Me, and Jasmine (October 2000)
Haunted House Group 2 (October 2000)
Tony (October 2000)
Robert (October 2000)
Mikey and I on the Viking Voyager at Worlds of Fun (May 2000)
Dava (April 2000)
Me.. Bald?? (March 2000)
my 1st band; Scythe; From left to right: Mikey, Me, Luke, and Quinton (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Me (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Me playing guitar (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Mikey (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Robert (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Luke (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Wesley (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Corey (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Adam (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Quinton and Katie (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Me and Robert (New Years 1999 - 2000)
A Needle in my Eye (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Zach - the One-Eyed Dog (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Zach and Me (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Jasmine and Me (New Years 1999 - 2000)
Me (December 1999)
Michele, Me, and Quinton (December 1999)
Ashlee (December 1999)
Thomas (December 1999)
Me sitting on my ass (November 1999)
Me with a stupid hat on (November 1999)
Mikey Cooper (November 1999)
Another Pic of Mikey Cooper (November 1999)
Dave with Pussies (November 1999)
Mary (November 1999)
Monk (November 1999)
Me and Michele (November 1999)
Michele on my shoulder (November 1999)
Haunted House Group (Halloween 1999)
Mikey and Jon (Halloween 1999)
Me, Egypt, and Mikey (Halloween 1999)
Herman and Me (Halloween 1999)
Me (October 1999)
Dick, Me, and Mikey (March 1998)
Dick playing bass (March 1998)
Me with my 1987 Camaro (March 1998)
Shane a.k.a. QTipOfDeth (December 1997)
Trampolines are fun! (December 1997)
A rare pic of me when I was 15 months old. (September 1982)

Great Unsigned Bands:
Somnus from Cleveland, OH
Dreamsfear from Dublin, Ireland
Sarrow'z End from Irvine, CA
Dark Martyr from Pittsburgh, PA
Gemisuadi from Cleveland, OH
Precipice from Tampa, FL
Fair to Midland from Dallas, TX
Lore from Saratoga Springs, NY
Volition from Boston, MA
Eternal Unborn from Santee, CA
Howling Syn from Montreal, Quebec - Canada
Blood Lust from New Jersey

Webpage started October 10, 1999
