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It was a day of glory and dissapointment....
The Savage Stakes race day started out with high spirits and higher hopes. The fluffy white clouds and bright sunshine was the perfect setting for a day of racing. The crowd was really picking up, when....

The thunder clouds came out to play....
And all hell broke loose. Several trainers, planning on a fast track, watched in horror as the sky opened up and the rain started coming down. And down. And down! For two striaght hours, it rained. By the time the first race of the day was off and running, the track here at Windsong Valley was muddy. The field of 14 fillies had a terrible time in the mud as they struggled around the turns.

In the end, the SS raceday had no huge disasters. There were several minor injuries and little more hurt then pride. However, the day was named appropriately...for it...

Brought out the Savage in all of us!
There were more then a couple disqualifications, for today there was something in the air....and horses lunged, bit, and did whatever else they could to be the first across the wire. The horses, Thoroughbreds that they are, all tried hard. Most of the races today were amazingly close, the winner only a length ahead from the last horse in the field! If your horse failed to hit the board, think ahead to the future, and don't lose sight of what's important. Please never abuse, neglect, or over-work your horses. did they do?
How about you go see for yourself! All races were telecasted until race 7, where from then on the stakes races where not simucasted due to lack of time and excessive entries. Thank you Aia for helping.

Have a look at.... Race One