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Race 4-- Maiden
2 year olds
4 1/2 furlongs
Dirt track

Race Four Begins...
The second 2 year old colts maiden of the day to start in a minute. The horses are loading right now. Let's have a final look at the odds on the three favorites before the race begings....

Silks Post Name Owner Odds
1 Unlimited Addison 2-3
4Sunshine Drop Coalianna 3
5 Mr. SandmanCharlotte 5

Current favorite at 2-3 odds is Unlimited. The colt in the second race under the same farm colors was an unsuspected winner this morning, and that could be playing on the better's choices. Also, Unlimited as a great post position on the inside. Sunshine Drop, a well bred colt, and Mr. Sandman, out of Mr. Prospector, are also given some support at odds of 3 and 5.

The colts are loading quickly the last horse is going in, In Pursuit of Honor, and now they're ready...

And They're Off!
In Pursuit Of Honor, Mr. Sandman, Womanizer and Excess Energy all break smoothly and go out to the front. Womanizer on the rail in the lead and Excess Energy back 1 with Mr. Sandman settled nicely in third and In Pursuit Of Honor on the outside in forth. Unlimited up in fifth now, in between horses. RHR Sparks Will Fly in a nice position being rated in 6th. Super Sonic, Torch Of Fright, Sunshine Drop, and Captain Steve complete the field as they come around the turn.

Excess Energy is now moving up to challenge Womanizer. The two colts draw away from the rest of the field. In Pursuit Of Honor seems to be dropping back a bit, and now Torch Of Fright is going wide around the horses! Torch Of Fright on the outside! Blazing by the field! Super Sonic also making his bid. Unlimited is being checked and is now in 7th. Sunshine Drop looking to find his stride in 8th. Captain Steve is now up in 5th and seems to be gaining speed with every stride!

Down the stretch the come! Torch Of Frigth struggling to keep a lead. Mr. Sandman, enjoying a smooth trip in second, now starts to make his move. Super Sonic challenges! Womanizer giving it all he has and holding 4th. Captain Steve is making his bid! He's only one length off the leader! In Pursuit Of Honor desiding he wants to try again! He finds another gear and with a furlong to go is gaining with every stride! RHR Sparks Will Fly has found his best stride and is now in the lead! And it's RHR Sparks Will Fly by a nose! Mr. Sandman and near second, followed by Excess Energy barely holding on to third, Super Sonic 4th . Captain Steve a strong 5th, and In Pursuit Of Honor running out of ground with no time to close in 6th. Torch Of Fright a length back in 7th, having a hard time with his outside position, followed by the Womanizer and the last two colts of this 10 horse field.

The final results:

3-RHR Sparks Will Fly Owned, bred, and trained by Craven, T. McGowan up.
2-Mr. Sandman Owned, bred, trained, and ridden by Charlotte.
3-Excess Energy Owned, bred, trained, and ridden by Unknown.
4-Super Sonic Owned, bred, and trained by Bettina, James Parkinson up.
5-Captain Steve
6-In Pursuit Of Honor
7-Torch Of Fright
9-Sunshine Drop

Silks Place MR Number Name Earnings Points
Win 234-01532 RHR Sparks Will Fly $4,500 10
Show 234-00000 Mr. Sandman $3,000 6
Place 234-01227 Excess Energy $1,750 3
4th 234-01510 Super Sonic $750 1

The next race on the card is out second allowance of the day! Conditions just aren't improving here at Windsong Valley, and it's obviously not the day that was planned for The Savage Stakes. Still, things are going smoothly and there's no accounting for excitement! After these messages from out sponsors, join us for race number 5!

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