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Welcome to my Little Corner of the Institution

Ok I'm not as Weird as your thinking.. I'm really normal! Ask my Pyscho Doctor...Alright anyway... I do have pictures of my friends and myself and a brief Bio of them but I don't know them well enough as I know myself... Really I'm not egotistical or anything.. heck I have problems spelling the stupid word... anyway let me tell you about my former websites~ THEY WERE NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!! Either my pictures didn't show up or my text was wrong or it took to long to load or .. SOMETHING!! So hopefully it can be changed now!! Keyword: HOPEFULLY

By now you might be asking yourself.... WHO is this stranger and has she taken her prozac.. ok maybe you not asking yourself that because then you would be talking to yourself and some people think that IS very weird... TRUST ME!! so here is a link that tells all about me... well maybe just a good portion

My 4-1-1

well I don't know what to write here so BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!


1. It's 10.10am

2. I Just woke up

3. I go to work at 2.30 today

4. I have to work the west side - errr

5. I'd rather work the east side

6. I am debating weither to take a shower first or eat breakfast

7. Im thinking shower then food

8. It has been really nice out the past few days!

9. But it is kinda humid today

10. I hate humidity

11. Man we had some storms ravish threw here not to long ago

12. Ok I think I really need some help

13. I am addicted to Drumline to movie

14. I think I have watched it everyday since I bought it

15. Talk about addiction

16. Freaking BF1942

17. I can thank my brother for addicting me to that

18. But at least I have a clan now

19. KcgXtreme

20. Im not really good at Desert Combat though

21. and Im just learning how to fly

22. but me and my thompson and kick some rear

23. also kcg is undefeated in clan match

24. Im the only female in the clan too

25. but its all good I can hold my own

26. OK I had to turn the movie off - it was distracting me

27. Now I am listening to Charolette Church

28. I didnt think I would like the cd but I really love it

29. ok 30 and thats it

30. THAT'S IT!!!

Other things!

Here are some other pages on here.. take your time and feel free to wonder around! and make sure you sign the guestbook! I promise it takes like 2 minutes.. IF!


My Newest Picture

My new Vacation pics - Updated 7/21/02

Me and Jason

My So Called Life

My Funny stories

Amanda and Karen's own personal page


my info!!


Some of my Favorite things

The current mood of at

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