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About Royal Star Gerbils

Royal Star Gerbils was started 8 years ago, when I was 13. I was at a pet store, and saw the CUTEST little half-grown gerbils. There were 3 of them in the tank, along with their mother. I ended up getting one and taking it home - it was an Argente Golden Female. I named her Alanis. Well, my mom didn't really like the idea of having a rodent in the house (especially since we already had 6 dogs and 4 cats!), so, Alanis went to live at my best friend Brooke Ann's house - all by herself in her 20-gallon aquarium.

A while later, the Biology Room Gerbils had a litter that sparked Brooke Ann's interest. There was a Spotted Black baby, which she claimed. When that baby was old enough, it came to live with Alanis. Now, Alanis wasn't alone anymore! The Spotted Black gerbil was a boy, who got named Tito. Before long, Alanis and Tito were proud parents of a bunch of squirmy little pink things. And so the journey began.

When I was 14 and a Freshman in High School, I fell in love with a sweet little female black gerbil baby in the Biology Room. It was also at that time that Tito (for some unknown reason) passed on. Well, when she was old enough I brought the baby gerbil home. I also brought home my favorite youngster of Alanis and Tito's - a Spotted Agouti male. Mom was kind of leery at first, but she eventually said yes. Alanis was left with her other babies at Brooke Ann's.

It was around that time that I came across the world of gerbil breeding. Since I was already involved in this act, I decided that I needed to really get into it. I also stumbled across the American Gerbil Society, which was just starting up and had very few members. So, I joined the AGS in 1998, and came up with a clan name for my little furballs - Royal Star Gerbils. So far, it consisted of my 1 pair - Gwenyth Ebony of Royal Star, and Chino Roman Sephiroth of Royal Star (the black and the spotted agouti).

Over the years, my knowledge, experience, and interest in gerbils has grown considerably. Alanis has since passed on. :( Gwen and Chino were my top breeders, and are basically the pair that got my clan going. They boast a record of 11 litters. They, too, have since passed on, but will be forever remembered.

My gerbils recieve all the love and attention they can stand, and prouduce healthy, loveable, beautiful, friendly babies. Pups are handled by me from birth. I am a proud member of the American Gerbil Society, and all of my gerbils are AGS registered. The Royal Star Gerbils are well taken care of, and this is a clan that will most likely be around for a long, long, time.

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