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Flowers:  Some of my flower arrangements and some peonies from the flower garden of my daughter, Joyce. I enjoy making flower arrangements. Joyce grows lots and lots of flowers.


Pets:  Several pictures of my sweet little poodle, Tiffany. I had her for 15 years (or more). She was very loving and smart. Ella es muy feliz (She is very happy). She has gone to "doggy" heaven. Also, a picture of Little Miss Daisy, my daughter Joyce's dog. Daisy won second place in a pet contest. We all think she should have had first place.


Recreation: "You should have seen the one that got away"- Fish caught by my son, Lyn.  "We got our limit"- Fish catch of some of my family.  "Happy landing"- Lisa, my gymnast granddaughter.


Recipes: "Yum, yum"- Some strawberries that my son, Les, grew.

Vacation: I took my first trip, by plane, to Pensacola, Florida, in April, 2000. I visited June and Jack, dear friends and in-law family. I had a wonderful time. We went lots of places and did a lot of neat things. I met their neighbors and friends. While there, I was spared of being in a tornado that went through my home town of Parsons, Kansas.


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