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Noah's Ark Learning Center Handbook

TO ALL PARENTS Noah’s Ark Learning Staff, volunteers and substitutes, have the desire, capability and imagination to respond to and work with the growing needs and demands of young children and families today. Through our program, we act strongly on our commitment to build strong kids, strong families and strong communities. GOALS OF NOAH’S ARK LEARNING CENTER To reflect the four core values of the Learning Center: Honesty, Respect, Caring,, Responsibility To support and strengthen the family unit, focusing on: Building strong family communication skills Encouraging families to work and play together Supporting family unity and strong values in children To help children develop to their fullest abilities, focusing on: Self acceptance, confidence, and an attitude of self worth Relationships with others Morals and values Academic skills Physical skills Health and nutrition To provide a caring, learning and positive environment, Focusing on: Safety and security Expanding children’s and parents’ knowledge of their community, country and world Goals for children as a whole Each child will develop a disposition for lifelong learning. Each child will be empowered to construct knowledge about his/her world Each child will develop the ability to solve problems individually and as a member of a group.

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Each child will develop self_esteem by meeting appropriate challenges. Each child will develop positive, collaborative relationships with their families and with the adults and children at Noah’s Ark. Each child will represent his/her thoughts and feelings with a wide variety of mediums. Each child will attain the highest level of independence that is appropriate for his/her age. Each child will value the diversity of people in the world Each child will develop physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally, and creatively. Goals for Families as a whole Families will be active participants in their child’s care and education. Families will develop collaborative relationships with their child and their child’s caregivers. Families will be able to leave their child at Noah’s Ark with the knowledge that their child’s developmental needs are being met in a caring, nurturing environment. Families will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about child development and parenting. Noah’s Ark Learning Center is a licensed facility and strives to uphold all licensing requirements and standards.

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Our goal is to meet the developmental needs of the children enrolled. We will provide experiences that enrich and enhance each child’s cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical, and creative development. Within a consistent daily schedule, each child will have opportunities to create, explore the environment, learn problem solving and personal interaction skills, and learn concepts through first-hand experiences. Children will develop a positive self concept through a balance of self and teacher directed activities. Opportunities for solitary play as well as group activities are provided. Staff serve as positive role models and provide care that is supportive, nurturing, warm and responsive to each child’s individual needs. We respect parents as the primary and most important provider of care and nurturing, and we believe parents and teachers are partners in children’s care and education. Financial Assistance Noah’s Ark does not provide financial assistance at this point, but we do contract with the Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) known as KanWork childcare assistance. For further assistance please call 651-6200, or go to 515 Limit Street, Suite 100; Leavenworth and ask for a KanWork childcare assistance application. We do not set a limit on the number of KanWork clients we accept. Equal Opportunity We are an equal opportunity environment, and do not discriminate against children for any reason, (to include- but not limited to: race, religion, gender, financial status,). It is our goal to expose children to a diverse group of children and encourage them to learn more about each other through daily play, and programs. Our staff is trained on cultural diversity, and strives to accommodate each individual child’s needs. We encourage parental input on cultural diversity, (example- recipes, books, etc.)

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CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION POLICY All staff, volunteers and substitutes have received orientation explaining our policy, procedures and regulations concerning child abuse. Each staff member, volunteer or substitute has received training on child abuse and signs to be aware of. Each one is alert to the physical and emotional state of all children enrolled. If and when any signs or suspicions of abuse are suspected or detected, the director will be notified immediately. Staff, volunteers or substitutes will under NO circumstances release children to anyone other than those authorized by the parents, guardians or to an individual authorized by the parents in writing, including relatives of the children. Children are required to be signed in and out daily, recording date and time of arrival and departure, and the authorized person’s signature. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children who are to be released to siblings under 18 years of age are required to have a notarized letter stating details and parental permission on file. Staff, volunteers or substitutes will not verbally, physically or emotionally punish children. Staff, volunteers or substitutes will not discipline children by the use of physical punishment, or by failing to provide the child’s needs of care, such as food and shelter, toileting needs, etc. We provide positive redirection in the manner of guidance techniques. Reference checks on all prospective staff will be conducted prior to employment. A criminal records check is provided through KBI and SRS on all involved with the children. REPORTING PROCEDURES FOR CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT We are required by law to report child abuse and/or neglect. If and when child abuse and/or neglect are suspected the staff, volunteers or substitutes will follow these procedures: Fill out an incident report with facts. Notify the director. Director will notify the appropriate child protection agency or SRS.

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SRS/Local Health Dept. shall have the authority to interview children or staff and to inspect and audit child or facility records without prior consent. Staff will be discrete and follow privacy act in all of these matters. ADMISSION POLICY Parents or guardians interested in enrolling their child/children in Noah’s ark must meet with the director prior to the first day the child will attend. Interviews and orientation will be held before a child can be enrolled. Parents or guardians will be given a parent handbook, enrollment packet at time of orientation. The parent or guardian agrees to discuss any necessary information about their child/children at this time that will be beneficial to the program staff. The director will discuss the handbook with the parent or guardian. Parents or guardians are responsible for updating all information concerning their children, including immunizations, change of address, telephone numbers, etc. Please notify the director to make sure all information is current. Upon signing the Agreement, parents, guardians and children agree to indemnify and hold harmless Noah’s Ark Learning Center, and staff involved in the program from and against any and all liability for any injury which may be suffered by the child during hours of attendance. STAFF AND PARENT/GUARDIAN COMMUNICATION Communication between parents or guardians and staff is the key to valuable insights for the sake of the children. It is important that the staff be informed of changes in the home, health or other major changes be reported to the director right away. Minor changes which may also affect the child should also be reported to the director as soon as possible. Changes can affect the child’s performance or behavior and the staff needs to know in order to be able to provide the best possible environment for the children

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It is important to avoid disruption to the children, or routine for the sake of the children. If you need to make contact with your child on any occasion other than routine pick up time, we will ask that you either step out of sight of the other children or temporarily leave the area as to not disrupt the remainder of the children and staff. ENROLLMENT POLICY At enrollment time, parents/ guardians will be given a parent handbook. This handbook includes, but is not limited to Policies and Procedures of Noah’s Ark Learning Center. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to read and be familiar with all the material included in the handbook. Upon enrollment parents/guardians agree, by signing, to follow the Policies and Procedures of Noah’s Ark Learning Center. ENROLLMENT PACKET The following forms must be completed prior to a child attending: Enrollment form Health assessment with Immunization record (signed by a licensed physician or nurse) Emergency medical release form, (director is a notary ) Program agreement All other forms included in packet Verification of Parent Handbook PART-TIME ENROLLMENT: A minimum of 3 days per week is required in order to secure a slot. There are 2 rates, full time and part time, full time is considered 4 -5 days. Part-time is considered 3 days or less. Regardless of whether child is present 3 days or 1 day, rate is charged on a 3 day basis. There is no daily rate or drop-in rate. NOTIFICATION TO NOAH’S ARK We require a 2 week written notice in the event of any of the following conditions:

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Change of Enrollment Status: 2 week written notice to director required in order to change enrollment status from part time to full or from full time to part. No changes will be made unless written notice is given. Withdrawal From Noah’s Ark: A 2 week written notice is required when child is being withdrawn from Noah’s Ark. Full fee is required for the 2 weeks regardless of whether child/children attend Noah’s Ark in those 2 weeks or not. Failure to pay fee’s will result in the denial of future enrollment, and will also result in court costs and fee’s. Vacation: One week vacation annually without fee is granted to each family. Family must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 months prior to vacation. A 30 day written notice is required in order to avoid rate charges. If written notice is not given, or 6 months have not passed, family is required to pay full rate in advance. Failure to pay will result in immediate termination, and re-enrollment required, including all enrollment fee’s etc. Extended Leave Policy: Families choosing to take an extended leave beyond the allowed 1 week vacation may do so with a written notice and choosing one of the following options: A. Withdraw from Noah’s Ark and submit a new registration fee to be placed on a waiting list. Re-enrollment will be granted on a space available basis. B. Reserve the child’s slot by continuing to pay the full rate throughout the leave period. All late payment policies will apply. A family may choose to bring their child throughout this leave time with a 24 hour notice of attendance. Withdrawal From Noah’s Ark at our Request: The staff will make every effort possible to accommodate every child in the program. If it is required that we terminate a child due to behavior beyond control, or other uncontrollable reasons, the director will give a 2 week written notice.

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Enrollment will be terminated if a parent or guardian fails to provide us with required documentation or current medical information. 2 weeks notice will be given and a chance to provide information within the 2 weeks. Care may be terminated if parent/guardian cannot establish a mutually satisfactory working relationship. Families with fee’s a week late will be terminated if account is not paid up immediately including all late fee’s inquired. Continual late payments may also result in termination without written notice. Unpaid KanWork family fee’s by the first day of each month may also result in termination, and all late fee’s will be required. Continual late payments may also result in termination. Repeated failure to pick up child/children on time may result in termination and all late fee’s required immediately. Noah’s Ark may terminate all enrollments in the case of reasonable cause in a 2 week written notice. Withdrawal From Noah’s Ark at Parents Request: 2 week notice is required in writing to the director. 2 week notice in writing to withdraw from full time and change to part-time. Also to change from part-time to full time, but availability is the factor. Fee Policies: An annual non-refundable enrollment fee is required per child at the time of enrollment and re-enrollment. This assists in supplies and paperwork. Fee’s are due by closing time to the director on Friday prior to the next weeks attendance if paid on a weekly basis, on Friday if paid on 2 week basis, or on the first day of each and every month if paid on a monthly basis. Cash, check or money orders are acceptable methods of payment. All returned checks will be charged a service charge of $30.00 and cash or money order will only be accepted in the future. >br>

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Children will not be able to attend with unpaid fee’s.If fee’s are not paid on time, a hold will be placed up to 5 days on a space, and a $10.00 per day late fee will be added to a child’s fee, due in full. If not paid within 5 days, space will be forfeited. If school transportation is arranged, there will be an additional fee which will be posted, (if transportation is provided). Noah’s Ark will provide at least 30 notice when a rate change will be made. All fee’s are due whether present or not, whether sick, extended vacation and other absents, with the exception of a vacation with the 30 day notice. All KanWork recipients must have a family plan prior to enrolling, and family fee paid on or before the 1st day of each month. Failure to pay will result in a $10.00 per day late fee, and 5 days failure to pay will result in immediate termination. No credit is given for non attendance, pay whether present or not. LATE PICK UP A late pick up fee will be charged if children are not picked up by their designated time. A fee of $5.00 per every 5 minutes after scheduled time will be charged and payable upon arrival. If child is not picked up by closing time (see hours of operation) the staff will begin calling parents and emergency contact numbers if necessary. If 30 minutes after closing time a child has not been picked up, a staff member will call KDHE, or SRS. This will be considered abandonment. PERSONNEL A proper child-staff ratio will always be followed. (See licensing law handbook posted to see ratios). Staff members will receive annual staff training. Staff are and will continue to be trained in several areas, first aide and CPR, nutrition, child abuse and neglect, illness, and etc., on an annual basis as required by state law. SUPERVISION: Children will be supervised by a staff person or volunteer at all times, both inside and outside. Children will never be left un-attended inside, outside or in the van, (if transported).

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CHECK-IN AND CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES: Children must be brought in to Noah’s Ark by a parent or authorized adult 18 or older. If a person younger than 18 will be bringing in or picking up a child, they must have a signed, notarized and approved statement on file. Each child must be signed in and out daily, recording date, time in and out with signature. Children must not be dropped off and allowed to enter alone. Children will never be taken out to a vehicle Any person picking up a child must be an authorized person or parent. Drop off/pick up must be done quickly, not a time to discuss the weather....... A child will never be released to an un-authorized person. We will not release a child to anyone by a phone call statement. Must be in writing and given directly to the Director by the parent. A staff member has the right to refuse releasing a child to a person who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol if the child’s general safety is a concern. Emergency contacts will be informed and staff will secure pick-up arrangements. ILLNESS: Children shall be excluded from Noah’s Ark when they are ill. Parents must notify us when a child will be absent and relay the illness in the case of a communicable disease that must be mentioned to other families for health purposes. Children will be greeted daily upon arrival and if illness is apparent they will be sent home If a child becomes ill at Noah’s Ark a parent will be contacted and asked to pick him/her up If a parent cannot be reached, an emergency contact will be notified. The child will be secluded from the other children until a parent or emergency contact arrives. A child must remain at home for at least 24 hours after they are picked up from Noah’s Ark. A child will not be received prior to the 24 hours have passed, and the child has been symptom free for 24 hours.

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MEDICATION: Medication will be administered to children as needed, but the following guidelines must be followed in order for meds to be administered. Meds must be in their original container and child’s name on the prescription. If an over the counter med, it must also be in its original container. Parents must sign a consent for staff to administer meds. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: Communicable diseases are contagious and must be kept from Noah’s Ark as much as possible. If a child is known to have a communicable disease he/she will be sent home immediately. Chicken Pox is the most common known communicable disease spread to children in schools and centers. If a child is sent home from Noah’s Ark for them, he/she will be examined by a staff member or the director to be sure there are no open sores. Days & Hours of Operation: Noah’s Ark Learning Center is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m to 5:30 p.m. Holiday Closings: We are closed on the following holidays: New Years Eve New Years Day (If weekend- the Monday after) Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day ( July 4) Labor Day Thanksgiving Day/ Day after Christmas Eve Christmas day (If Christmas falls on Monday, will close Monday & Tuesday)

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Noah’s Ark Vacation Noah’s Ark will close 3 weeks out of a year from January to December. Closings will be posted and announced 30 days prior to closing. Substitute care is the sole responsibility of the family and is not a part of Noah’s Ark contract. Personal Belongings Please do not send your children with toys, books, food or other personal belongings with the exceptions below. We cannot be responsible for a child’s toys if they become lost or broken. Do not send children with candy, gum or other junk foods. We serve nutritional meals, and want all our children to be able to eat the meals when served. We do not allow the children to chew gum in order to keep it from the carpets, hair, furniture etc. Exceptions: Children may bring items from home ontheir designated day of show and tell. They may also bring food items from home if they bring enough to share with the entire group. Backpacks, book bags, may be brought for children to take their papers and art work home. We encourage children to bring special items (cultural, vacation etc.) On days they have show & tell, or by special arrangements. Birthday party treats or other pary treats will be allowed with prior arangements made. Meals & Snacks Noah’s Ark serves nutritious meals & snacks daily. We serve breakfast, a.m snack, lunch, & p.m snack. We assign snack weeks to children, and the child will help serve snack on the week they bring snack. We specify only nutritious snacks . Children will also be involved in cooking and snack preperation activities as part of our program. Progress Reports Progress reports will be sent home 4 times per year. (March/June/September/December). These will include a child’s progress in various levels and will be confidential and a copy kept in the child’s file.

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Daily Program Children are usually most responsive to activities in which they are involved in a “hands-on” manner. Our staff accepts this fact and we design our space with “learning areas” at which children can freely choose from at a designated time, and can also work independently if they so desire. Our materials and learning centers are rotated often as to keep a child’s interest up. Our staff often creates their own games and materials. Younger children tend to learn better when staff builds on the interests and abilities of the children. This reflects the currently recognized theory that endorses non-pressured, child-centered activities guided by a staff member with a solid child development base and strong problem-solving skills. Our program includes activities centering on communication, science, math, social studies, music, art, large and small motor development. Dramatic play opportunities reinforce learning of practical life. DISCIPLINE, i.e., GUIDANCE Children at Noah’s Ark will not receive physical punishment. Children who have conflicts or problems with others while in our care, will be encouraged to verbalize their angers and concerns. Staff will describe problems, solutions and logical consequences to the children in the case of a conflict. The role of the staff is to be a helper to positive problem solving. Our staff uses guidance rather than punishment. Children whose behavior endangers others will be supervised away from other children. The child will process the problem with a staff member and any other concerned parties. Staff will use “time out” only as a last resort unless a child is emotionally out of control, and needs a private time to regain composure. Verbal processing is our oreferred technique. Discipline, i.e., Guidance, will always be positive, productive, and immediate when behavior is inappropriate. No child will be humiliated, shamed, frightened, or subjected to verbal or physical abuse by staff or parents on the premises.

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Closing Statement Noah’s Ark is designed to serve the children of our community. We hope that parents/guardians will sense that we have created a home away from home, and a place where you can feel comfortable leaving your child. We appreciate feedback from our parents/guardians on any area of our program. Thank you for your interest in quality care and we hope to continue to serve you. It is our goal to serve our community and enrich the minds and lives of our future adults. This handbook is subject to change and or revision at the directors discretion. Each family will be given a copy as changes are made.

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Parents/Guardians: After fully reading this handbook be sure to remove this page and return it with your enrollment forms. Children cannot be enrolled without this signature form in their file. I have fully read this handbook, and do agree to all its terms and regulations. I am willing to comply with these and will not hold responsible Noah’s Ark, any staff member or owners for my lack of understanding if I have failed to read this and ask any necessary questions. I do accept full responsibility for any accident occurring to my child while on the premises of Noah’s Ark Learning Center, with the exception of a deliberate act of neglect or abuse by any or all persons responsible for my child’s well being.

Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________________ Date__________ Child’s Name_________________________ Age______________ D.O.B_______________ Date of Enrollment_____________________ Remove this page and return it with all other necessary forms!!!

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