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Welcome to Noah's Ark Learning Center

Don't miss the boat

image of giraffe Pictures
image of zebraInformation
image of elephantHandbook
image of monkeyPhilosophy
image of llamaRates & fee's
image of cheetahLinks
image of a doveDaily schedule

Welcome to Noah's Ark Learning Center's virtual home. We are glad to have you stop and visit. We hope you enjoy your stay.Come on in and take a look around. Feel free to email us with any questions or comments. Also be sure and sign our guest book.

We are a Christian Learning center serving the Leavenworth, Kansas community. Our goal is to serve the community to the best of our ability while touching little lives. We do not discriminate against anyone for race, sex, religion, etc. We are here to serve.

Take a look at some of our learning centers, read our philosophy statement, and view our handbook. We hope this gives you a better idea of what our goals are.

Once again we say thank you for looking around. Feel free to call, or email with any questions or comments. Don't forget the guestbook.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

*Contact us*

Noah's Ark Learning Center
1137 Delaware St.
Leavenworth, Ks. 66048
Email us

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