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Nate's Kickin HP

My Kickin HP

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Well let's see what's goin down. If ya didn't know i'm a manager now. Still not making much though. I've still got the eclipse and keep putting money in it since i can't ever seem to leave good enough alone. Hunters BD is next month. Gonna try to go to the Royals game eventually. Got froze outta one and rained out the other. Hmmmm....Dunno what else so for now ttfn. Oh and for more updated info...i suggest you check out my xanga or myspace sites.

Kiddy Update:

Hunter is doin great. He'll be 5 next month. Goin to school everyday and enjoying every minute of it. He's gonna be so mad when school lets out for the summer. I'm sure he'll be fine though since he'll have lots of friends to play with and the pool to boot. Paige is great. She's growing so fast and getting smart too. She's always running and jumping around. She's getting a mouth full of teeth and really starting to talk a lot more. Such a very independant little girl and talk about adorable!

get this gear!

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