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Banker's Plantation Banner

Welcome to my domain.

May I invite you to partake of some true stylish southern hospitality? - Imagine this: - an old antebellum plantation, deep porches kept darkly shaded at sultry mid-day by thick hanging carpets of ivy... 20 degrees cooler, sitting there. A tall mint julep in hand as a gentle breeze, scented with magnolia, draws across your brow - bearing perhaps the haunting strains of the Ashokan Farewell ... taking our ease over a chess game as flamingoes graze the manicured grounds.

Michael in Banker mode Michael D. LeClear, born in the Year of Our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty five in Meade, Kansas (the home of the Dalton Gang Hideout), ex-hippie, father of four, still married to high school sweetheart, desperate seeker of truth, beauty, kindness, and all things significant... and that includes, of course, a good back rub! Not to mention quality time with Snoozer!!

But when the moon is full I have been known to stand - surreal - upon life's roof, in my hand the cup of crimson wonder.. and the earth far beneath my feet ... where ants scurry ...

The children of the night - what sweet music they make !!!

Heard ya, Dude

And the moonglow
On the horizon
Madhatters and friends
Birth, love, growth, love
Life. Now

At play in Georgia

  • Jamaica

    Lloyd, our attentive butler, has rung the bell for lunch. We gather at the long glass table by the pool, and he and Iselda, the kitchen maid, serve the dishes...jerk chicken, cock soup, mannish water, Irish moss, festival bread, boiled corn, ackee and salt fish, roasted plantains and pitchers of Blue Mountain coffee...strong and hot! A veritable feast for the happy friends, comfortably clad in swim wear, straw hats, and bare feet on the wet flagstones... Appleton Estate rum and Cuban robustos for after.... and a sly hint about a special cake **wink**

  • Mexico

    ....I have lain across the sacrificial stone at a Mayan ruin; been caught atop the pyramid at Chichenitza by a torrential downpour with streams of sunlight painting my idiot grin; snorkeled the crystal waters with a bellyful of rum and been startled to the surface by a pair of manta rays only to find I'd drifted halfway to Cozumel;

I've been robbed of my few belongings by grinning bandit youths; mobbed by hordes of jungle children and saved by a handful of nickels thrown like rice at a wedding into the humid air; I've parasailed the Caribbean Sea and seen looooonnnngggggggg fish basking below me....

Yes, Mexico! And the bullfights! Shades of Hemingway, they were GRAND!

Creede, Colorado

And I love the sea.

Some sea links to visit are

Other interests include

  • Bonsai are a hobby of mine
    and you can see some
    fine illustrations here

Some great websites

Cajun and Zydecko links

Marilyn Monroe

Raymond Chandler

Sherlock Holmes

The Prisoner


James Bond

Edgar A. Poe

Emporia, Kansas

Virtual Irish Pub

Rogue Space

Some friends' pages

Diane from Barnhart, Missouri | Pam from Canberra, Australia

Fran from Poughkeepsie, NY | Sarah from Grand Forks, North Dakota

Nora from Atlanta, Georgia | TPO from the good ship Cyrano, SF

Chris the Fiddler's from Ontario, Canada | Arnold from Del City, Oklahoma

Last update January 2001