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Co-Curriculum and Pastoral Care

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Co-curricular activities are an important part of a student's education at LBIS. Students must choose at least one activity, which they follow for a full term. A record is kept of all achievements. More details can be obtained from the Activities Co-ordinator. Activities take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 14.30 to 15.30. Most school buses are timetabled at both 14.30 and 15.30 on activity days.


The school provides careers education and guidance to pupils as from Form 3. Students are encouraged to learn to make decisions about subject choice, higher education, training and employment.


Each year, class representatives are chosen in each form. Their duties are:

 To be a form role model of honesty, good manners, responsibility, hard work and care of school property.

 To work as an assistant to the Form Teacher in taking care of form rooms and in supervising class discipline.

 To assume the responsibility of reporting any problems with the above to the Form Teacher.

 To sit on the Student Council.

The Student Council is charged with the improvement and enhancement of student life on campus. There is a staff member appointed to act as advisor. An Executive Committee is elected from amongst the class representatives to manage the Student Council’s affairs.


LBIS is not only concerned with a child's academic progress but also with moral, spiritual and social development. The form co-ordinator plays a pivotal role here. Through the school counsellor, who is a trained educational psychologist, the school attempts to address each student's needs in these areas and establishes counselling and referral programmes accordingly. Students are encouraged to approach any teacher or co-ordinator with their questions or concerns. Confidentiality is always respected.


Each year group has a staff member who supervises the social welfare of the students. The FC should be consulted on any question involving student welfare, behaviour or academic progress.


The Form Teacher works together with the FC but is concerned with a specific class. The Form Teacher is responsible for attendance, behavioural questions and the completion of term reports. There is a form period at the beginning of each day. Students should consult the form teacher whenever an absence has occurred or is expected.


These form an integral part of each student's studies and are organised by the various departments throughout the school year. They are compulsory for all students, and all school rules including school uniform apply. Charges for these trips may be levied but efforts are made to keep costs to a minimum. Written parental permission is required for participation in each study trip.


At the end of each year, the school publishes a magazine containing examples of students' writing, pages of commentary, general interest articles and student photographs. There is a small charge for the publication.