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Classes currently being held
" Conversational English
o Level 2B (M & W 9-11 AM)
o Level 3B (M & W 6:30-8 PM)
o Level 4A (M & W 5-6:30 PM)
" Lebanese Colloquial Arabic
o Level 1 (Tu & Th 2-3 PM)
o Level 2A (M & Th 12-2 PM)
o Level 2B
(Tu 11-12:30 & Th 10-11:30)
" Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic
o Level 1 (W 6:30-8 PM)
" Computer Training
o Computer Fundamentals (M&W 11-1 PM)
Classes now forming
" TOEFL classes beginning in 2008
" Conversational English
o Current classes may be joined
o New Session begins any day now
" Lebanese Colloquial Arabic
o Currently running classes may be joined.
o Modern Standard Arabic (Schedule to be announced
Computer classes to restart in January '08
" Our computer instructor will be traveling in the U.S. from the end of July to the middle of January

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