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Hey all! Ok, so I somehow killed my original page, so I am attempting to remake what I had up. Yeah yeah, ima dorkO...So NEwaiz, it's no high tech webpage, but hopefully you guys will enjoy it! Shpanx! :) Ima trying to put up more pics and links and stuff as i am bored at work so hopefully it will start looking more organized and pretty. hehe...

LOOK! He looks just like my favorite little Maximoooos! Eating bananas and everything =P cute!

Here is my Thoughts page...In case you wanna get to know me better or wonder what goes on in this complicated mind of mine...;)


This is a page of one of my Korea experiences this summer. Too bad I'm allergic to my own country...
Korea, Summer 2001

So it's really lacking right now, but I'm going to try and put up alllll my Parisian experiences here. Thoughts, feelings, pictures, descriptions of my wonderful wonderful friends (whom i miss dearly!) and all that good stuff. For now, there's about..2 pics. That I stole from Valerie since I haven't scanned mine yet. heheh...
Paris, Fall Semester 2001

Here are pix from this year's Lunar New Year!
Lunar New Year--of the Horse! February 25, 2002

Our awesome trip to Beverly Hills!! This was the best trip ever (minus an inordinate amount of worrying about a certain someone...) but everything seemed to fall into place. All our problems or worries just solved themselves (cept for that one situation) and it was so awesome. Seeing the stars...goin on Rodeo...Universal Studios...chillin with Cat's relatives...seeing John Cho!! was so neato. here are some of my pix! :)
Beverly Hills! March 5-8, 2002

Yay! So this trip started off a bit...interestingly. :) I've definitely never decided to go to dance on this short of notice and gotten ready that fast either. And THEN get lost on the way to KEMAH! haha...but we made it ok and it was soooo much fun! Havin a group like that was fun stuff! The ferris wheel...flat hair...hehe...yay! mebbe i'll actually make it to rondelet with an actual date next year....nah... :P haha
Rondelet 2002 at the Radisson!! March 16, 2002.

So it finally arrived..banquet. hehe...running around with wet hair, not dressed, hotter than crow, but we made it! Britney Spears Overprotected?! awww yeah! =)
CSA Banquet 2002 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, April 27, 2002

Graduation!! Congrats Christina, Janet, Anna, Sun, Andrew~!
Graduation 2002! Rice University

Hmm...Mentor retreat. It was quite an experience. Certainly not what I expected. Not even close. But in a good way. It was def much more fun than I imagined and I met a lot of kewl kewl people. =) The actual conference itself was even more interesting. :P mmhmmm...yep!
Mentor retreat at Trinity Pines June 8-9, 2002 and YLC at Sid Richardson College, Rice University June 28-30

HCC Scavenger Hunt all over Houston! Twas fun stuff--we won man! YEAH! go Cat, Jasper, Theresa, and me~ :P
HCC Scavenger Hunt

Here are some places you can learn bout mah peepz and stuffers!

Mah new YLC peepz! :P

KC girls

KC Boyz

Rice girls

Rice Boys

pics of Rice peepz

Lunar New Year--of the Snake!

yay! Rondelet 2001!

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