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Cox HSI Rules Website!

Welcome to Cox HSI Rules!! This website is for people that need information on Cox High Speed Internet, new to Cox HSI and need to tweak their registry for Cox HSI, computer specifications, OS specifications, etc. I have been a user of Cox HSI for 2 years now, and the service rocks! The switchover from RR to happened painless and seamless, the service wase first capped at 3000/300 and I had disconnect problems, lag, packet loss, etc., but it got fixed. Now those problems got fixed after Cox did maintenance, now it's capped at 3000/256, and the service is getting faster and faster. Yes, I had problems in August '03, Cox blocked ICMP and I couldn't ping or tracert anywhere. When Cox unblocked ICMP, my latency got high at peak time. At the end of January '04, my service got slower and latency got higher at peak time period. Webpages would load slow. Feburary 11, 2004, service got slower and slower no matter what time of day, webpages was loading slow. I thought it was the computer, but others in and surrounding Topeka was also having problems. The problems got fixed and things are very fast now, latency is very low. So NOT all Cox regions are the same, Cox in Topeka is very good while Cox in RI sucks. It depends on where you live and the neighborhood. In some parts of Topeka, however, Cox is terrible, slow, and disconnects a lot. In my area, the service is fast, reliable, doesn't disconnect or anything. I guess living in the ghetto has its avantages and no one don't have computers. You can email me any suggestions, comments, reviews, or improvements I can make on this website at I do answer my emails and will get back to you, I have a real life and don't spend hours and hours online. I mean, playing on the computer all the time does get boring. I do have a life and work, go to school, hang out with friends and watch tv like everyone else.

Note: THIS IS ONLY A COX HSI HELP SITE BUILD BY A SUBSCRIBER! I don't work for Cox in technical support, customer service, or in field service. I tried getting on at Cox for almost 2 years now, but they won't even hire me because of no HS Diploma or GED, plus experience in that job. They aren't going to hire anyone off the streets. I'm going to try and get on at Cox after I get my HS Diploma next year. I'm going to try and get on as a field service rep. I'm sure it's easy hooking up tv's, cable modems, cable, etc, and Cox pays good if you get on, and keep the job.