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underconstruction Atheist Bolt

Tales of a Heretic in Kansas

Under Construction Check back soon

Welcome to my page. As you might have surmised already I have the dubious distinction of being a resident of the great state of Kansas. This is further complicated by the fact that I also am also one who can be described by a number of names, heretic being just one of them. What am I actually.. well call me whatever suits you best atheist, agnostic, nontheist, godless heathen, unbeliever, freethinker... whatever you think suits me best. What exactly does this entail you ask... well to put it the best way I can I simply find the evidence of gods deities ect. to be lacking and not compelling of belief. Yes this includes your god whomever he/she/it/they may be. Now I know some of you have heard enough already and want to send me an email to try and convert me. At the bottom of this page there is a link to a page with my address and a few polite requests as to the contents of your emails. However if you are one of those who wants to read more first there are links to other things I have written at as well. Keep in mind that I am just starting this page my HTML is lowsy my spelling attrocious and my grammer beyond mention. I welcome nay encourage all comments you might have as to anything I have written. Please don't just put up polite comments the only way I can improve is if you so deem to tell me what I am doing wrong and I do wish to improve. Thank you for sticking with me this far and you may now continue on your journey.....
Stuff I've written
My Experiences at the Monkey Business in Kansas Conferance in November 1999
Mail Me
More about me
Kansas State University : Individuals For Freethought
This is a student organization at Kansas State University of which I am the Information Director
Campus Freethought AllianceThis is the larger organization with which Individuals for Freethought (IF) is a part of.

Evil Atheist Conspiracy

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