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The Lone Gunmen
1AEB06 Madam, I'm Adam

I really liked Madam, I'm Adam. Although the beginning was stronger than the end... but I really enjoyed this one. The whole idea that it's an alien abduction... and then we learn that it's not... makes it exciting! And the trailers for it were awesome!

My favorite part would have to be the teaser. We really don't think much about the two guys living together (at least I didn't...). They go about their normal business as it seems usual... and then BOOM! We discover that they have no clue who the other is... it's awesome!

I love how it's Jimmy's first real report that he's doing... When they are in the cafe place and talking to the guy... Byers doesn't believe him... and Jimmy wants to, to have a good story... but it's not what he thinks... so it's real cool!

The fact that this guy knows everything about the neighborhood... yet he doesn't even exsist himself! It's all very thoughtful... they have you thinking... maybe he's from another planet... a different time... or... and the possibilities are endless! And how it turned out was very cool!

And once again... Poor Langly... and Frohike! They both get beaten up by this guy... and they don't know why... and he doesn't know what he did! It's very cool! I love how everything twisted and turned... and how everything works out in the end!

I think the idea that he was brainwashed was very cool. I mean... how do we know this isn't happening to us... that we are in a virtual world (kinda like Harsh Realm...)... it's very cool!

I love how Jimmy doesn't like how the story is going to end and wants to do something about it! He's such a darling! I like how it was a happy ending... made me very happy. I love this show! It lets you walk away feeling good. :D