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The Lone Gunmen
1AEB04 Three Men & A Smoking Diaper

Three Men and a Smoking Diaper wasn't my favorite of this show. It was still good... but maybe it was the fact that there was a baby. If you know me... You know I don't like babies. The story was good... but then they brought in the baby... I see how it fit in... but I just can't stand babies.

What I did like about this one is Frohike and Langly stuck with the baby. (How ironic that this is one of my favorite parts) "Cheeseburger" works on babies?! It's true... I was in a store... and a baby was crying near me... so I thought I'd give it a try... and IT WORKED! For a little while. I guess Frohike and Langly got luckier! LOL But only for a little while... hmmmm

I love the part where Jimmy goes to help the senator campain... and... hehe... Get's glue all over him! Everyone is watching him! I couldn't help but laugh! It was so adorable! I love him!

I think it's funny how Byers is the only one who can put up with Jimmy. I can see why Langly can't... he's got a temper with him... but I don't blame him... considering how Jimmy cleaned his keyboard :::shudders:::

I'd have to say that my favorite part was the end after everything has been exposed and the senator is out of the running... BUT! Then when they go to pick up the kid... and Langly doesn't want to give him up... they see on the TV that the senator is not out of the runnings and everyone cheers! So happy! Then the kid cries! LOL

I guess the reason I really didn't like this episode was because I was tired when I was watching it... my sister was a work and my parents didn't want to watch it with me. I get tired when I'm alone watching TV... it happened one time during The X-Files too. So I guess this episode isn't that bad... which makes me happy! :)