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Dusty's Spiffy Cool Website

Check out the new News! page. It's chock full of almost something now!

Hello all you beautiful people! Thanks for stopping by. If you never even wanted to come here, then feel free to go back. This is my spiffy cool website. I've decided to kind of remodel it, most things will be the same, but some will change. If you think anything's missing or have some sort of bug to report, please e-mail me with your comments or put it in my guestbook. I could use all the help I can get.

Well, here's a bit of info on me. My name is Dusty and I live in the boring state of Kansas, U.S.A. I'm 16, and a Senoir in high school. If you want more than that, you'll need to work for it, if you know what I mean.*winx*


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If there's anything you think is missing from my page, you want to report a bug, or you have any kind of comment about my page, e-mail me at or put it in my guestbook.