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"Take My Breath Away" by Kristi
G - DSR/humor - Scully receives some flowers from Doggett...

"Taking The Plunge" by spookycc
PG13 - Post ep for "Vienen" - First-person Doggett POV

"Taking You Home" by agent myers
(Sequel to "Won't Fear Love" and "Something Rational")
R - DSR, angst - "...I can't forgive him. I can't forgive him for never saying what I needed to hear."

"Telecommunicating" by Mischa
DSF/UST - A simple bug hits Scully harder than it normally would, but Doggett is there to catch her when she falls. Another small but significant step in a strengthening partnership takes place, thanks to a fever dream.

"Ten Thin Mice" by Anna Greenway
PG13 - DR, humor

"Tenderness" by coolbyrne
PG - DSR - ‘Now he would have given all he had or ever might have to hold her warm in his arms, both of them wrapped in one blanket, and sleep.’

"That Don't Make It Junk" by David Hearne
R - Post-col

"That Much, And Nothing More" by Kristi
PG13 - Doggett POV, character death, hint at DSR and FRR - Doggett doesn’t know where he is, or how he got there. This is his thoughts on everything that is going on.

"There Is No Tomorrow" by Jessica
PG - Doggett after his family is dead.

"There's A Little Witch In Every Woman" by Diandra Hollman
R - DSR fluff - Scully is feeling very playful and seductive... Doggett will never know what hit him! ;)

"There's Nothing Here But Us" by Tony
PG-13 - DSR/MSR musings - This is the first chapter of what i'm planning to be a multi-part continuation on from the finale (in fact, i don't know if it might be one of the first post-finale fics online!) I hope to produce a realistic DSR awakening and address some of the disappointments I and many others felt about The Truth and also finally wake up dear Dana to just how much better John Doggett would be as the man in her life rather than the continually over-obsessive moody Fox Mulder of that episode. And i also hope to produce a semi-sequel to one of the best season 9 episodes in the process. Hope people enjoy it!

"They're Here" by L.M. Shard
PG-13 - MS, DSR, post-colornization - Scully and Doggett fight for survival as the alien invasion begins.

"They're Here" (Part 2) by L.M. Shard
R - DSR, MS, post-colonization, rape - Can Scully and Doggett save Mulder from the aliens? At what price?

"They're Here (Part 3)" by L.M. Shard
PG-13 - DSR, MS, MO, post-colonization - Mulder leaves Scully hoping to mend his broken heart, but can it be mended?

"Third Eye Blind" by spookycc
PG-13/mild R - DS, Doggett POV - Fill-in-the-blank for "Via Negativa"

"This and My Heart" by Philiater
R - DSR - Can love survive in a world where so many have died?

"Though You Hurt Me So" by Luz
Doggett POV, Doggett Angst, Vignette, DSR - What if Doggett has had enough?.

"Thread of Evil" by spookycc
PG13 - Fill-in-the-blanks for "Empedocles", Doggett POV.

"Three Agents and a Baby" by RPcrazy and sugaryblue
NC17 - DSR comedy and smut - Doggett, Scully and Mulder are all living together while Doggett's house is being renovated. The shenanigans they get up to can only be read to be believed.

"Three Boring Days" by Sarah
PG - DS/humor - Doggett and Scully spend three days, arguing non-stop.

"Three Men" by Nadia Sernas
Adult - Scully, Skinner, Doggett, Krycek - Dana Scully struggles to control her men... In this universe, Mulder has not yet been found and Krycek is the father of Scully's baby.

"Three Times" by Mischa
G - After the events of 'Medusa', Scully considers the small steps that her working relationship with Doggett has taken.

"Through a Glass Darkly" by Kimberly Flick
PG-13 - Doggett angst - "I just know this is gonna tear you apart, it's gonna tear your family apart, and you can't let it. You got to save them from the damages this can do." from "Invocation"

"Through His Eyes" by L.M. Shard
PG - DSR, Scully POV - Realization comes to Scully in a dream.

"A Time to Heal" by Harrahgirl
R - SkRR - ARCHIVIST NOTE: This is a must read for anyone who loves good Monica Reyes characterization. There's a little bit of John Jay in there too :)

"Timing" by Gatorgurl
PG - DS - Story set in early season 8.

"Together, Broken" by spookycc
PG - Doggett's take on "This is Not Happening" ep & post-ep

"Together We'll Be Fine" by Budgiebird
PG - DSF - Doggett and Scully realize that maybe they aren’t so different after all.

"The Triangle" by L.M. Shard
PG-13 - MS, DS - Scully is caught in a love triangle.

"A Trick For Your Bowl of Suckers" by Kristi
R - Mulder/Krycek friendship, pre-Doggett-X-Files - All goes to hell when Mulder and Krycek are out trick or treating and Krycek doesn’t get any candy.

"Trouble Me With You" by Rachel Anton
R - Doggett/Marita - He's longed for her in a very peculiar way, and that longing is just another mystery he can't seem to solve. She's another question, and there are no answers in sight.

"Trust" by Tammy Smith
R - DR - very angsty story with Monica/Doggett and Scully.

"Trust Me" by Kathleen A. Klatte
Missing scene: Trust No 1

"The Truth May Hurt" by spookycc
PG - Doggett finds what he was looking for. And loses what matters most.

"Truth's End" by Susan Olivia
PG - DR - What happened to Doggett and Reyes one week after events in the series finale "The Truth?"

"The Truth Within" by Kathleen A.Klatte
Spoilers: Remember the ep with Agent Harrison and that creepy little kid? Good. That's the last ep that "happened."

"Tunnel Vision" by spookycc
PG - Fill-in-the-blanks for "Medusa" - Doggett's take on "Medusa".

"Turning the Tables" by Nadia Sernas
Adult - DSR - Doggett threatens to bust Krycek.

"Twice Now" by Kathleen A. Klatte

"Two-Dimensional" by spookycc
Missing scenes, post-ep, 4D. DRF, implied unrequited DSR - My feelings were confusing during this ep. Apparently, so were Monica's. Told in first person Reyes POV. Be gentle. I've never channeled Monica before. ;- p

"Two Wrongs" by Dogg'N'Scull
PG - DSR - Thanksgiving