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"Madness Takes Its Toll" by Msr. Fish
PG-13 - Doggett's reaction to the World Trade Center attack.

"Major Chapters" by Juliette Mada
R - It seems the major chapters of my life have been marked by certain women. Each different from another, each playing a different role, but each having the same amount of impact on my life and my person.

"Marines and Cops" by JS Michel
PG13 - Scully/Doggett friendship. MSR. Mulder-lite - "...anybody who fit such a perfect Bureau mold couldn't possibly understand the X-Files."

"Meet The New Boss" by David Hearne
PG - Post-ep for "Medusa".

"Men and Boys" by Katherine Scully
PG-13 - DSR - Response to SHODDS challenge: Doggett in a bar fight.

"Mere Existence" by spookycc
PG13 - Post ep for "Existence" - First-person Doggett POV

"The Millennium Ball" by Kathleen A. Klatte

"Miracle of Mine" by M. Edison
G - AU, Crossover with Dark Angel, DSR

"The Morning After" by XFilerN
PG-13 - DSR/Doggett POV - It's the morning after. And the one before.

"Mourning" by Tasha
PG-13 - The past haunts all those who have survived.

"Mourning Grace" by Jessica
PG - Doggett/Barbara - It's the day of Luke's funeral.

"Mulder's Return" by Sarah
Mulder unexpectedly returns leaving the agents in shock...

"My Eyes and Ears... My Partner" by spookycc
PG - Fill-in-the-blanks for "Medusa" - Scully's take on "Medusa". Sort of a companion piece to "Tunnel Vision", but this stands on its own without having to read the other.

"My Sacrifice" by Susan Olivia
PG - Seven months after Season 9 ended...