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"Game Night" by Cassie
PG-13 - FRVSeries, humor - It's Doggett's turn to choose a Super Buddies activity and the gang is set for a fun day in the rain and a long sleepover.

"Genesis" by M. Edison
PG13 - D/McMahon - "It's all bullshit. There're no assurances, Agent Mulder, you can't even be sure of your next breath."

"Genesis: In the Beginning" by Julie L. Jekel
R - prequel to "Genesis" - What if Doggett hadn't been discharged after Lebanon for injuries sustained in the line of duty...would there have been a different "Adam" to Shannon McMahon's "Eve"?

"Get Ready" by coolbyrne
PG - In a nutshell? Scully meets Doggett’s family.

"Gift of Life/Gift of Death" by spookycc
PG - Fill-in-the-blanks and post-ep for "The Gift", Doggett POV - Doggett's take on "The Gift".

"Give a Little, Get a Little" by Budgiebird
PG - DSF - Scully helps Doggett with some grief.

"Glass Menagerie" by Karen
PG/PG13 - DRR - 'I am just the observer, watching him-his every move-from behind a transparent glass wall of emotions, and doubt, and truth.'

"Graveyard" by Kelly
Mulder and Doggett are assigned to spend the night in a spooky graveyard but things don't go according to plan...