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The Hotel of Fools

Newest Fool checked in - February 11, 2000

Are you sick of stupid sportswriters?   They sit on their lofty chairs and act like they are the authority on everything in the world of sports -- thinking that a degree in journalism gives them some type of special insight.

They spill their venom, tell their half-truths, share their misinformed opinions, and we have to sit there and seethe.   You can't respond because you don't have access to a printing press or a studio network.  No more!  Now, these nimrods will be called on their stupidity at the first website devoted to exposing the mediots.

You can click on any of the jabronis listed below, and you will learn of their stupidity.  If you know of a mediot who grates you with his published ignorance, feel free to check him into the Hotel of Fools.   To do so, email me the story, complete with links to their article.  If it exists, please provide a link to a page with a picture (this email account will not accept anything other than text).  This website is in the developmental stages.   Any sport is fair game.  I know that mediots are well-versed in their stupidity.   (I anticipate a full floor of the hotel going to NBC's basketball analysts).

The guest registry of idiots

Terry Bowden

Mark Blaudschun

Jason Whitlock

The editors of Basketball Digest

John Adams

Dennis Dodd

John Gustafson

HELP ME!!!  I'm a writer in the Hotel of Fools, and I want out!!!

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