

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

The Cast

Say What?

The Writers

The Directors

Who's on TV?



Tag Lines


The Gist

The X-Files has a lot of inside information. For those of you who aren't aware of "the gist", here's to you.

1013: Chris Carter's birthdate, and the name of his production company. Ten Thirteen is also shown in the episode series "Nisei" and "731" shown as 101331.

1121: Chris Carter's wife's birthdate. Eleven Twenty-One is commonly shown as the time various scenes took place.

Do the two agents in Season 7's "The Fight Club" look familiar? They should. Steve Kiziak is a stand-in and photo double for David Duchovny. Arlene Pileggi is a stand-in and photo double for Gillian Anderson. She is also Mitch Pileggi's wife, and has played A.D. Skinner's assistant.

Does the phrase "that's why they put the 'I' in F.B.I." sound familiar? It was actually spoken by Mulder in the "Pilot" episode, and later spoken by Scully in "The Fight Club".

Ever wonder who's voice is behind the "I made this" at the end of the Ten Thirteen logo? The little boy you hear happens to be Nathan Couturier, the son of supervising sound editor Thierry Couturier.

In the episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" Scully, at one point, states "That was Detective Manners. He said they just found your bleeping UFO." The inside story behind this line is that director Kim Manners is known for his rather colorful language on the set, thus why the line appears in this episode.

In the episode "Travelers" Agent Hayes Michael was named after the fiance of Mary Astadourian, Chris Carter's executive assistant.

You may have recognized one of the last names in the credits for the episode "Pine Bluff Variant". That's because Tom Braidwood's daughter Kate played the movie theatre ushurette. (F.Y.I. Tom Braidwood is also a director for the show, as well as the character Melvin Frohike.)

"The End" was the last episode filmed in Vancouver. When the show went to California, it left behind a great crew. Among the crew was executive producer Bob Goodwin and producer J.P. Finn, both which left farewell letters to the cast and crew before their departure.

In the episide "S.R. 819", Dr. Katrina Cabrera, the physician who treated Skinner, came from a current X-Files researcher.

The name John Gillnitz, the actor whom Fletcher from "Dreamland II" says is impersonating Saddam Hussein is a combination of the names of writers Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, and Frank Spotnitz.

R. Grimes, the author shown on "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" is named after assistant property master Marty Grimes.

In the episode "Milagro", the teenage Kevin is played by Angelo Vacco, a former production assistant for the show.

Daniel Duchovny, older brother of David Duchovny, played a Piney Bench Player in the episode "The Unnatural".

Stunt Coordinator Danny Weselis's son played the small gray alien in "Field Trip".

The name Polizzi, which appears on a mailbox in "Arcadia" is the last name of an art director for the show.

Trevor Gurwitch, from the episode "Alpha", was named after a nephew of producer John Shiban.

The Wizard of Oz Meets The X-Files

In the episode "Triangle" there are numerous mentions of the popular movie. They are as follows:

The episode takes place in 1939, the same year as The Wizard of Oz

Mulder's motor boat is named the Queen Barland, after actress Judy Garland

The band performing in the Queen Anne's ballroom is called "Almira Gulch and the Lollipop Guild", from the lady who turned into the Wicked Witch of the West

Captain Harburg was named after E.Y. Harbug, the writer of all the songs in the film

Speaking of...Chris Owen's girlfriend played one of the dancers in the Queen Anne's ballroom

The Holly Rice Factor

In case you haven't heard, writer Vince Gilligan often uses names and places that are connected to his girlfriend Holly Rice. This can be seen in the following instances:

In the episode "Bad Blood" the name for Sheriff Hartwell came from Holly Rice's middle name.

In the episode "Drive", the gas station where Mulder hijaks the station wagon is named "Holly's".

In the episode "Tithonus", one of Fellig's aliaces "L.H. Rice" is seen on a press pass application with the birthdate April 4 Guess who's birthday that is...yep!

Speaking of...Tennyson wrote a poem "Tithonus", which happens to be one of her favorites.

In the episode "Monday", the Cradock Marine Bank was named for the town where she grew up.

Also...the bank robber Bernard was named after her mother's maiden name.

What's in a Name?

Ever wonder how Chris Carter thought up the names for the characters on the X-Files? Well, here's your answer...

The name Fox came from a childhood friend of Chris Carter's.

The name Mulder is Chris Carter's mother's maiden name.

The name Scully came from Vin Scully, the Los Angeles Dodgers' announcer

For Season Eight, the name Doggett came from Jerry Doggett, the co-commentator of Vin Scully