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Friends and Colleagues

Lance Rodshaft

Lance and I first met in New York back in the "Bad old days" When I knew that no good Frank O'Hara and hung out in the village. It was in 1964, I was 18 at the time and Lance was 14. He had run away from home to become a true artist living by his wits in the big city, and making a living with his pictures. By Christmas he was homeless and gave up on that dream. Then he became a nude model and is currently working for

One Of Rods Best Paintings, called "Workin children Live"

One of Rod's most famous paintings "The Evening departure".

Rod's painting "My hung uncle".

Derk Pike

Derk is an outsider artist who I met back in 91. I have a friend who owns a junkyard in Comstock TX and Derk was always comin' round stealing tools and food. My friend usually chased him off with a stick. One day I was there, I looked in his eyes and knew Derk was an artist, just like me. I took him under my wing. He flourished and is now a successful artist who lives in Dallas. He don't take my calls no more, thinks he's too good for me, but I still consider him a friend an always will.

One of derk's pieces "Dented Jeep"

Possibly Derk's finest work ever "Dented Acura"

Duncan StToronto

Duncan StToronto is one of my Canadian friends. He's currently between jobs. Sometimes he breaks into peoples cars and steals the contents. Duncan took his last name StToronto from his home town Toronto. I met him on my first visit to Canada back in 76. I was in love with Canada back then but have since grown weary of her. Duncan is a wildly talented artist who's stirred up the Toronto art scene. He creates sculptures usuing nothing more than his feces and bare hands. He currently resides in Markham Ontario.

Duncan's premier work "Lovers Torn Asunder"

The work which Duncan sold to the Canadian Government for $5.000.000 CND. It is called "Guidance of the Lord"

My personal favorite of Duncan's work "The Human Condition"

Chicken Adolfius Festus Luva