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My stories, jokes, and poems I write and like.

WISH ( a poem )
The Reunion ( a fairy tale I wrote in 98)
Froggy ( just read it and tell me what ya think)
Dream Come True??? ( by me Kristen)
A brand New barbie
Escape From Avalon (short story written by me)
Rayvenn (poem, that a friend wrote)
Friends are...(a poem)
Bonnie and Clyde (Written by THE Bonnie Parker!)
some stupid piece of crap Jenny and I wrote
A Resident Evil2 remix of a Chumbawumba song
one Rob did
Forbidden Love
still working on a title but wrote it on 4/20 ^_^

Some of these Stories and peoms I wrote, some of them my friends wrote, others I read somewhere and thought I would post, but all of them have the writers name on them.
If you people have any you would like to have posted just send them to my e-mail with your first and last name please.
