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Welcome to the ~*~Kindred Spirits~*~ Homepage!

~*~Kindred Spirits~*~ Site Directory

Manifesto Public Bulletin Board
Clan Members Chat Room for Clan Member Meetings
Clan Match Protocol and Sign Up Board ^KS^ Clan Match Stats

Due to real life commitments and changes, unfortunately the ^KS^ has disbanded. All though all the ^KS^ members remain Kindred Spirits, at this time we go our seperate ways, but shall continue to pursue our seperate endeavors with the understanding that ^KS^ was not just a tag for an H2 Cult, but a state of mind. To all my Beloved Kindred Spirits, I take you with me in my heart, and to all our friends in H2, I thank you for the wonderful times! Good bye and Peace! Love KaLi >:)

"^KS^ Me You Fool!!"

The ^KS^ Clan is proud to announce that we have reached our membership cap. If you are interested in joining our clan, please leave a message on the bulletin board and we will add you to our waiting list in case a spot should come open. Thank you to all that applied!
