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~v~ Empress of Virkaen ~v~


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  Katarina Asu Cassain appears to be a normal human woman, but there are those who would say she is much more than that. Before The Lych Army invaded and conquered the Virkaen Empire, many of her people thought her to be a goddess; many still believe that. Deity or not, she is, without question, a skilled warrior and an adept leader with a loyal following.

She stands at 5'7" and weighs about 140 lbs. The most striking feature about her is her missing right eye. A black leather patch covers the empty socket, but on rare occasions, in battle, or in the presence of a certain man or his bloodline, a strange white light can be seen around the edges of the eyepatch. Sometimes, the light is so bright that it spreads to her remaining eye, forming a beam of intense energy. Some say the strange light is a star that CaiN extinguished to use its energy to resurrect Kat after a fatal battle--in fact, the battle in which she lost her eye. Others say the light is a curse by CaiN, a constant reminder of his abandonment.

This woman is not known for her friendliness or outgoing nature. She is most often abrasive and sarcastic with strangers, and she will not hesitate to challenge anyone who looks at her wrong. Politeness will often be met with suspicion, and compliments met with insult.

Kat's normal weapons are blades. She usually carries a broadsword, Defiance, on her back, and a twin dagger on each hip. She is also comfortable handling more technologically advanced weapons, such as blasters and lightsabers, and she can occasionally be seen carrying those when she visits places like the Star's End Bar.

She is normally dressed in riding clothes--a blouse tucked into suede riding breeches, tucked into black dragonskin boots, all under a black or emerald cloak. On special occasions, she wears a gold silk dress under a black velvet cloak.

She wears a ring on each hand--on her left, a wedding band, and on her right, a family ring. Some might recognize the family ring as that of the NHO, if they are familiar with the old mob family from the Star's End area of RhyDin.

Kat also has three pendants. One is a crystal with a faded eye encased within it. The second is a gold coin that produces a holographic image when rubbed. The third is of sapphire and silver, with a bit of amethyst trim.

Her preferred mode of transportation is one of her winged stallions, Hellfire, Onyx, or Legacy, or her Andalusian warhorse, Storm.



Kat's Empire

Kat's Mate