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LeLand J. Webb

Company "G"




After Serving in the Civil War, LeLand moved to Ft. Scott, Kansas in 1868 and served with the 19th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry in the Washita Campaign of 1868 against the Kiowa and Comanche’s. December 11, 1869, he was admitted to the bar. He served as the first mayor of Columbus, Kansas. In 1870 he was elected to U.S. House of Representatives. He married Helen Herman in 1870 and had two children. His son died in infancy. His daughter later married Harry J. Wells of Topeka.

LeLand also served a number of positions in his Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) post and served as Aide de Camp to GAR Commander-in-Chief John P. Rea. He was responsible for introducing the resolutions recognizing the Sons of Veterans, USA by the Grand Army of the Republic.

LeLand also served on several national positions, such as Judge Advocate General. He was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Veterans in 1890, having served with distinction. He died on February 21, 1893.


