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Solo for the Moment

out to grab life by the tendons @ the base of its heels & squeeze until life limps or so the great 80's movies have taught me taught me horrid hair styles, bad clothes, & marathon mentality. All because of a false sense of security I find myself surrounded by shit I never expected to go wrong Absofukinglutely. No doubt about it, its all friggin garbage, all a part of our socially correct life style. You can't have life w/out style now, can you? You get a weak immitation of a poser given the right ideas, but to appear the real article there are plenty of ready made kits all packaged up for you to assemble. That is the essence of our neostyle, the prepackaged feel, for w/out that protective plastic sheath there might as well be nothing at all The gods of business would never let it sell, they'd be out in force, demanding Obsequious behavior, & we would have to grovel.
its not like in them good ole days when consumption was the number one health problem all of us faced, when the old west was a whole new land, when everyone who drank made sure they kept a loaded gun, & there were trains gouging holes through mountains over the rotting corpses of thousands of chinese... Back then a bag of beans & a loaded gun were all you needed, along with plenty of bullets to prove yerself right all the time.
(glad to see we've come so far so quickly)

conversation piece

oh christ does he see me flowers brushed shadows in the back room open air veranda, twilight stealing neon shit here he comes, sombody cover for How ya doin boy! Ain't seen you since you was a... well now, I can't rightly place it, musta been the year that them communists over there in russia had that big scuffle over them Alympics. You was just a wee little sucker back then... still kinda thin too. Ya eat much? how am I related to these people Yes. I'm eating now as a matter of fact. So you are boy, so you are! Well, say high to yer sister for me. SNAPSHOT

i have pictures

i have pictures i have pictures
you know nothing! you've found nothing, you are nothing & you're going NOWHERE! I'm talking about


which is a much more powerful monkey, a big-ass sumbitch w/ a whole slew of them one things, um... shit.
no muse none @ all pure vile lack o' muse not amused @ lack of muse not that thats NEWS or anything. but if it were then you'd know I'd been in the market for a muse for a while NOW.
here you see, I've found nothing in the middle of nowhere. ai'nt getting much clearer than that @ presenting that particular secret of the universe anywho...


if this was
no, not is was, then if we or shall or would
could these be
more than if like as it or is it or was
so what was
is if then it then how or shall
___________________________________________ twisterpated - when yr so confluggled that even yr frazzlegation has cruxy symptoms. (see above example) ___________________________________________

Post Fling Syndrome

caffine nicotine alcohol & methedrine got lsd & mushroom meanings zoloft yawns & depokate freezings valium & zantac & a shitload of beer datura tea & been running the fear got codine coughing itching misery morphine dreams & lack of energy got a big pretty explosion up the nose dance until the heart explodes got the desire for fire to feel xtc spinal orgasmic energy got chemical confusion powering me like neon high from huffing gas nitrious balloons & popping caps got cocaine bullet & crystal mirror got glass tube & travel size razor got bennies & mini's & crack to choose from but fuck all that I got pot to use see thats the path I've done beat to death, & chemical euphoria has never made sense it's boring to me to feel ecstacy cause I've tried all the flavors & they all seem bleak it's not about being more wasted than you it's not even addictions or substance abuse it's a whole different race of humans you see, a different mindset outside of mainstream. my pains are old scars from weak hearts & my veins aren't up for it tonight, so if you don't mind I'll spend my time forgetting my troubles with a bowl & a light you're never alone in the middle of the night when you're too fucking stoned to remember your plight I have certainly quit my fair share of jobs in the past, usually under astoundingly unique circumstances. I have fond memories of my experiences in quitting, and have sometimes spent days in figuring out just how to quit whatever job it was that I was currently despising. On occassion I've simply walked out, or never returned, and that was that. Other times, the simple and mundane process of quitting became an epic struggle between me and my soon-to-be ex-employers, struggles so bizarre they could only have been precipitated through the use of hallucinogenic substances. One place, a privately owned burger chain native only to Witchita, I quit on six different occasions. THe first few times I just stopped coming in. A few months down the road, they'd rehigher me. Then I would quit, then they'd rehigher me. It was like they were begging for abuse. I would work hard for a week, then devise new and better ways to slack off around the store. I rarely worked sober, unless I happened to be broke or out of pot. On more than one occassion I would work while I was tripping on acid. The trully odd thing about working there was that everyone else knew I was fucked up. In fact, I would either buy my pot from someone who was there, or sell pot or acid or just simply go on an alcohol run for the underagers, and we'd get fucked up in the back during the slow periods between lunch and dinner. It was amazing that anything got done at all. One night we were so trashed that two of the girls there, one of whom I was seriously thinking about dating for a week or two, started trying to talk us all into stripping and running the store in the buff. I was a little worried about hot grease mixed with nudity, mainly because I was the cook, and things like that will distract you from accurately preparing a drivethrough order. For one reason or another, we didn't follow through, but it was okay cause the girl I really wanted to see naked ended up in bed with me about four days later at a seedy hotel on the edge of town. It was me, her, and a few friends with a half ounce of pot and a few grams of opium, then it was me and her and the pot, then it was me and her all over each other. Unfortunately, we also worked together. I say unfortunately, because our relationship, such as it was, was doomed to end badly. In this case it ended with me discovering she was cheating on me with a guy I also worked with, and as if that wasn't bad enough, I discovered it in the very middle of an acid trip. My first impulse was to laugh... I was a tarot reader even then, and would go on and on about how I could find out anything, and she always looked at me like she was going to test me. Well, I fooled her! I knew about her affair within a day of it starting up. So, of course, the following day I went into work, was to depressed to actually do anything, and finally walked outside and just kept on walking. I walked to a liquor store for some vodka, then to a grocery store for a container of orange juice, then rode the city bus for a few hours getting quitely drunk in the back. Life was good, even though I had just lost a job and a fine piece of ass all in the span of twenty-four hours. What was even more amusing, no one at my job blamed me, and a few months later after she had quit, they rehired me on the spot. I lasted another few weeks that time, but that's another story.
This Present Stranger, my epic peice on who I am... Back to the contents page street strength & other poems