Title: Love and Marriage Writer: Xphila Rating: PG Spoiler: Diana Fowley stuff. Keywords: Angst MSR Feedback: Please please please?? Xphila@yahoo.com or hit reply. Notes: I just read a spoiler. A very nasty spoiler. This spoiler had something to do with Mulder Diana Fowley and A wedding. This distressed me greatly. This is what I wrote. Come and check out the rest of my fic at: http://www.angelfire.com/ks/xphila/main.html Enjoy ;) --------------------- Love and Marriage Xphila ---------------------- "Listen to me, I don't care what you think. I don't care if you don't think you shouldn't be the one telling me, right now I want to know. I want the information from whoever I can get it. Now tell me!" Dana Scully shouted at the older woman. Diana Fowley's lips tightened and she tried to stare Scully down. Scully wasn't moving. "Agent Scully, I really think you should ask Fox this." "FOX is not going to tell me. He doesn't really like me that much any more and I need to know." Fowley looked uncomfortable. "Look!" Scully yelled, "I don't like you. In fact that is an understatement. I hate you. I don't trust you and the thought that Mulder does hurts. But it's something I have to live with. I just want to know exactly what happened between you and Mulder. Now either you tell me or I will find out my own way." Scully took a deep breath. She rarely lost it. The way Diana had just stared at her had made her really mad. She had to vent her anger on someone. Diana was the someone. Fowley's lips parted for a moment and then fixed back into their twisted line. After a few seconds she looked straight at Scully. "Fox and I are married." Scully didn't say anything. Her face drained of colour and her eyes widened. Fowley looked at her coolly for a second before pushing past her and walking away. Scully stared after her in shock. Married. She didn't notice Fox Mulder as he walked up to her. "You okay, Scully?" he asked, noting her pale complexion. "You bastard," She whispered at him and ran to the side of the road, hailing a cab. Mulder looked at her, surprised, wondering what the hell was going on. He followed to the road and walked along it until a cab came. Asking to go to Georgetown. ------------------- Scully opened the door, not bothering to check who it was. She already knew Mulder would have followed her. "What do you want?" She asked testily. He stared at her but didn't reply. She raised her eyebrows, "Well?" "I want to talk." "About what?" "Well, why you ran off earlier." "I don't want to talk to you right now, Mulder. Go away." She attempted to close the door but Mulder pushed it open and stepped inside. "I don't want you here!" Scully shouted. "Leave me alone." "Scully, please? Just tell me what I've done. Scully scowled at him. She couldn't even tell him why she was so mad. If she told him, he would know how she felt about him and she was sure he didn't feel the same. So what reason could she give to feel so hurt and betrayed by what she'd just found out? Mulder stood looking at her. Scully ignored him, pacing the room. She couldn't tell him she loved him and had just found out that he was married and was so upset that she didn't want to see him ever again. "Scully, slow down," Mulder said, watching her turn and walk across the room. "Tell me what's wrong." Finally she turned to face him. "I just..." she stopped, "I found..." she bit her lip, her voice sounded weaker than she had anticipated. Finally she said it, "You're married." Mulder sat down heavily on the table. He face went white and his body tensed. Scully just nodded. She walked to the door and opened it. "Please leave." "Scully..." he began but Scully shook her head. "I don't want to know, get out." Mulder looked up into her eyes. She was still in shock but he could tell she was furious with him. "Don't you want to know about it?" Scully shook her head. "No, not now. I don't want to know and I want to get out of my apartment." "Please, Scully, let me explain." "No, Mulder. Just leave." her voice was louder and more threatening now. Mulder got to his feet. "I'd like to explain. I think you deserve that much. If...once...call me when you want to know, okay?" Scully didn't say anything she looked at the door. Mulder walked past her, before she closed the door he turned. "I haven't seen her in seven years." Scully close the door and fell against it. Sinking to her knees, her head in her hands. She didn't cry. She wasn't going to cry over that woman. No matter how much she wanted. Married. Not Divorced. Married. SO Mulder hadn't seen her for seven years but they were still officially bound as husband and wife. They were still together. He must have loved her. He must have loved her a lot, so much that he would be willing to make that connection. Take that vow. Did that mean he still loved her? She should have let him explain. He seemed to want to. Maybe there is an explanation for this. Maybe they are divorced. Against her better judgement Scully picked up the phone and dialled a well known number. ----------------------------- Mulder paced the room. How had she found out? Why had he never told her? Why did she care so much? Why hadn't she let him explain? Why had she ordered him out of her apartment? Why was he such an idiot? He didn't know the answer to any of these questions but continued pacing. He didn't know what he was going to say to Scully. She had just called and was on her way over. She was going to let him explain. But what was he going to say? How the hell was he going to explain that he was married. Married. Still married. To Diana Fowley. Finally Mulder collapsed into the couch, closing his eyes. He tried to be rational. This was Scully. Scully was his friend. She'd listen to him. She'd understand... But then, he had never told her he was married to a woman who he very well knew, she hated. He should have told her. He should have told her when Diana first showed up. Whether she wanted to or not she was making him choose between them. The choice wasn't hard. Not in the slightest. Between the two of them it had to be Scully. Diana was his past. History. Whereas Scully. Well, he had been dreaming of a future with Scully for longer than he cared to remember. She trusted him. She had trusted him all along and he had never told her. He felt terrible. He was still feeling terrible when there was a knock on the door. Scully. Mulder took a deep breath before answering it. Scully looked up at him, tired and worn out. She entered the apartment and sat down on the couch. "Explain," she said, tiredly. Mulder look at her for a second before starting. "I am married." he stated. Scully immediately looked at him. "Were or are?" "Are. I'm still married." Scully looked like someone had punched her in the stomach but she just nodded. "You never thought about telling me?" she accused. Mulder shook his head. "I never thought about it. Ever. Until she came back I hadn't given her a thought and It had just never occurred to me to tell anyone." "Mulder...you almost kissed me last year. Did it never occur to you to inform me that you were committing adultery?" "Oh, come on, Scully, that isn't fair.." "No?" Scully interrupted him, "Is that because you were only kissing me to stop me from leaving or because you were caught up in the moment?" she looked away from him. "Do you really think I'd do that?" "I didn't but there's a lot of things I don't know about you." She looked up at him, tears stinging my eyes. "You're not the person I thought you were." Mulder shook his head and moved forward, trying to take her hands, she pulled away. "Scully, I am the same person I was yesterday. What did you lose today that you had yesterday?" "I trusted you, yesterday." Those words stung Mulder more than Scully had intended and he broke his eyes from her gaze. "You don't trust me?" he asked quietly. She shook her head. Mulder drew in a halting breath. "Why does this bother you so much? Why do you care so much? You are still my best friend, you are still the only person I trust." He looked at her, "So you found out I made a huge mistake almost ten years ago, why should that change anything." "I can't...I can't tell you why. I just can't." Mulder looked at her as she turned away from him. "Scully, I want to show you something." He walked over to his desk and pulled a draw out. He rifled through it and threw papers and albums across the room. Scully watching him, worried she had pushed him into a rage. Finally he found what he was looking for. He shoved some pieces of paper into her hands. "That was my wedding," he nodded to a picture of himself and Diana Fowley. He couldn't have been older than twenty-five. She felt tears coming to her eyes and looked at the next piece of paper. It was a marriage certificate. Her eyes searched for the date, 1988. She gasped. "Mulder, she left in 1993, you were married for six years." Suddenly she felt sick and thrust the papers back to Mulder. "You said it was a mistake. How can a mistake last for six years?" She glared at him angrily and stood up. "Scully, wait. Please. Our marriage lasted for just over a year. I moved out at the end of 1989..." "Mulder, I don't want to know. I don't want the details." "It doesn't mean anything, Scully!" he shouted, his voice racked with emotion. "It doesn't mean a thing." Without another word he ripped the photograph into four pieces and threw them to the floor. "It's just paper. I was in lust with a mysterious older woman and I married her. I was twenty-seven. I was old enough to know what I was doing but too young to know what I was doing was wrong..." "You loved her. You still do." "No, Scully!" He tore the marriage certificate and screwed it into a ball, throwing it in the direction the window. "I still have the ring too. What do I have to do? You want me to get rid of that too?" "Mulder...no..." "I don't want it anymore, Scully. I never want her back. I don't love her." Scully watched him hurriedly opening a small black box. She saw a glimpse of gold before Mulder smashed the window and threw it out. She knew he's never see it again. "Mulder... how can you do that? How can you say that?" She asked quietly. "You made a vow that you'd love her forever and you tore up your marriage certificate. How can you treat it like that? What has meaning if a marriage certificate can be destroyed so easily?" She watched him as he crossed to room to stand right in front of her. "This." He whispered and leaned down to kiss her forcefully on the lips. After a few seconds he loosened up and felt her kiss him back. Before he knew it she pulled away and slapped him round the face. Once he recovered he saw she was already out of his apartment. He ran to the door and saw her standing by the elevator. "I love you, Scully," he called out. "Leave me alone," she replied as the elevator doors closed. Mulder leaned back against the wall next to his apartment door. "I love you, Scully," he whispered to himself. --------------------------- Scully leaned against her car door, tears falling from her eyes. She'd been waiting for that for years and when it had, she hit him. It had felt so right. She swallowed and got into her car. What had she done? Halfway home, she realised that she couldn't leave it the ways she had done. If there was any chance that they could work it out, she had to go back now. She had to tell Mulder how she felt. She had to tell him she loved him too. The road was deserted, she did an illegal U-turn and started back towards Mulder's apartment. From no-where headlights flashed on her car. There was a bang and then everything went black. ---------------------------- "Where is she?" Mulder asked Skinner. He didn't reply straight away. Mulder looked at him, searching his face. "Where is she?" he shouted at his boss. "She's OK." AD Skinner finally said. Mulder took a deep breath. "Can I see her? Who's her doctor? Is she going to be OK?" Skinner looked over the younger man. "I don't know, ask Dr. Cameron. He said she's suffering from a bang on the head and shock but otherwise it doesn't look serious." "Where is Dr. Cameron?" Mulder asked, walking past Skinner and looking around. "Mr. Mulder?" a man asked, Mulder turned to see a tall man in his fifties." "You're Dana's partner?" he asked. Mulder nodded. "Is she going to be OK?" Mulder asked, panic in his eyes. The Doctor smiled. "She's going to be fine, she's actually just woken up, she's been asking for you." "She wants to see me?" Mulder asked incredulously. The doctor nodded. "Very much, she's in the room here," Mulder followed the Doctor to a small room along a corridor. "Remember she's been in a car crash." Mulder opened the door and looked at his partner, trying to decide whether she remembered what had happened or not. She looked up at him, "I'm so sorry, Mulder." She whispered, tears flooding her eyes, "I'm sorry," she repeated as he sat down on the bed, taking her hands in his. "Scully, you have nothing to be sorry for. What happened?" Scully shook her head, "I have something else to tell you Mulder." Mulder raised his eyebrows. She ran her hands down his face, "I love you, too and I shouldn't have hit you." Mulder grinned at her and she smiled back. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him gently, she felt him smile as he kissed her back. "I love you." He whispered and pressed his forehead against hers. He pulled away and looked at her. "I called my lawyer," he said, still staring into her eyes. "I'm getting a divorce." Scully couldn't stop herself smiling. "So you don't have to worry about me being Adulterous," he added. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry," he whispered. She nodded and kissed his forehead. "S'Ok," Scully whispered back. They were interrupted by a cough from the door. They looked up to see Skinner watching them. Mulder stood up immediately. "Feeling better, Agent Scully?" Skinner asked. Scully nodded. "Much, thank-you...How is Mr. Benery?" she asked. Mulder looked at her, confused. "He...um...he died a few minutes ago." Scully looked up at Mulder, "He was the drunk driver than crashed into me." Mulder nodded. Silence hung over the room. After a while, Skinner excused himself and Mulder sat back down the bed. "How are you really feeling?" he asked. "Better," she smiled, "tired." Mulder nodded. "Then sleep," he told her. She nodded. "Stay," she ordered. Mulder nodded and sat next to her, letting her settle in his arms. He took a deep breath and watched her. Hardly believing she was his. FINI xphila@yahoo.com <--- Feedback